wlroots 0.12.0 is released!
I'm looking for help with QA reviews for changes by the #Debian Janitor. If you're interested in helping out, please join this team on salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/janitor-team/qa-reviewers
Librem 5 Laptop Mode
"The Librem 5 can now change from factors easily. Connect it to a powered USB-C dock to enable desktop mode. Or connect it to a laptop dock to turn your phone into a fully working laptop."
#phosh 0.5.1 is out 🚀 : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/releases/v0.5.1
This is mostly bugfixes over 0.5.1 plus translations updates but also enables docked mode for tablets thanks (thanks to Arnaud)
Getting #convergence on the #librem5 to work is all over the stack (#phosh, #phoc, #wlroots, #mesa, #linux kernel, ...). Every piece wants a bit of attention somewhat like https://twitter.com/i/status/1231344659634540550
Misc Developer News (#53): Archive rebuilds as a service, A link to other distros; Collaborators needed for derivatives census; crossgrader accepted into unstable; New Debian mailing lists: e-learning, Scheme, AI/ML, Xen; New IRC channel: #debian-ai; Lenovo discounts for Debian Developers https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2020/10/msg00003.html
A new release of #Dulwich is out; 0.20.8. https://pypi.org/project/dulwich/0.20.8/
#phosh 0.5.0 is out 🚀 : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/releases/v0.5.0
This adds more keybindings, "docked mode" (for usage with external screen/mouse/keyboard) and more fixes with multiple screens.
You need recent #phoc 0.4.4, #squeekboard 1.10.0 and #wlroots git master (or backported fixes) for this to work.
A Librem 5 Video Made on a Librem 5
"Ultimately the Librem 5 phone lets you take your regular workflow with you while also keeping you in contact with your friends and family."
To ensure your app appears in the Librem 5 PureOS Store, specify the form factors it supports in its Appstream metainfo and desktop entry: http://adrienplazas.com/blog/2020/10/15/specify-form-factors-in-your-librem-5-apps.html
Julia Reda fordert einen Europäischen Open Technology Fund: "Wir müssen viele verschiedene, langfristig angelegte Förderstrukturen für #OpenSource-Technologien aufbauen, für sichere und ungefilterte Kommunikation."
Es ist "von enormer Wichtigkeit #FreieSoftware Komponenten über lange Zeiträume instand zu halten, stetig zu verbessern und laufend auf Schwachstellen zu überprüfen."
"Und die Ausgestaltung des Programms muss in den Händen der Zivilgesellschaft liegen."
#phosh 0.4.5 is out 🚀 : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/releases/v0.4.5
This one adds a torch/flashlight quick setting, improves support for external screens and switches to structured logging. There's also a rather long list of internal fixes as well as translation updates (thanks a lot for that)!
Salsa CI now includes i386 build support https://bits.debian.org/2020/10/salsa-ci-i386-build.html