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Librem 5 Laptop Mode

"The Librem 5 can now change from factors easily. Connect it to a powered USB-C dock to enable desktop mode. Or connect it to a laptop dock to turn your phone into a fully working laptop."

@agx @purism aha, ok, now I tried putting amber-phone-staging in my /etc/apt/sources.list file, and it works, now apt gives me phosh 0.5.1. Excellent. Thank you!

0.5.1 is out 🚀 :

This is mostly bugfixes over 0.5.1 plus translations updates but also enables docked mode for tablets thanks (thanks to Arnaud)


Getting on the to work is all over the stack (, , , , kernel, ...). Every piece wants a bit of attention somewhat like

Misc Developer News (#53): Archive rebuilds as a service, A link to other distros; Collaborators needed for derivatives census; crossgrader accepted into unstable; New Debian mailing lists: e-learning, Scheme, AI/ML, Xen; New IRC channel: #debian-ai; Lenovo discounts for Debian Developers

Just made my first mobile payment with my bank app straight from the Librem 5 - via Anbox. The last reason to occasionally boot an Android phone just went poof! :)

@agx @purism Things are moving fast, congratulations on the release 🚀

0.5.0 is out 🚀 :

This adds more keybindings, "docked mode" (for usage with external screen/mouse/keyboard) and more fixes with multiple screens.

You need recent 0.4.4, 1.10.0 and git master (or backported fixes) for this to work.


@purism I improved keyboard navigation in a bit so the becomes more fun to use when docked:

A Librem 5 Video Made on a Librem 5

"Ultimately the Librem 5 phone lets you take your regular workflow with you while also keeping you in contact with your friends and family."

@purism Built a simple virtual mouse for using virtual-pointer protocol so i can navigate the pointer on the external screen attached to the without having a physical mouse attached. Useful for e.g. presentations when you only connect a beamer.

To ensure your app appears in the Librem 5 PureOS Store, specify the form factors it supports in its Appstream metainfo and desktop entry:

Julia Reda fordert einen Europäischen Open Technology Fund: "Wir müssen viele verschiedene, langfristig angelegte Förderstrukturen für #OpenSource-Technologien aufbauen, für sichere und ungefilterte Kommunikation."

Es ist "von enormer Wichtigkeit #FreieSoftware Komponenten über lange Zeiträume instand zu halten, stetig zu verbessern und laufend auf Schwachstellen zu überprüfen."

"Und die Ausgestaltung des Programms muss in den Händen der Zivilgesellschaft liegen."

0.4.5 is out 🚀 :

This one adds a torch/flashlight quick setting, improves support for external screens and switches to structured logging. There's also a rather long list of internal fixes as well as translation updates (thanks a lot for that)!


@purism This is just a quick hack so far but we can now use 's future 'docked' mode to only display 'adaptive' apps when undocked and all apps when docked based on their desktop file information:

@purism While fixing related issues in , and the kernel for the I wanted things to be more automatic. So can now enable a 'docked' mode on screen plug: windows become moveable automatically (and get their close button back), gets disabled and there's a quick setting that lets you toggle that too:

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml