Matching #phosh 0.21.1 there's phosh-mobile-settings 0.21.1 with another dock added and some fixes:
phosh 0.21.0 is out 🚀📱 :
It was supposed to be bug fixes only but also got improved screen shot support and a (experimental) widget to show
upcoming events on the lock screen.
Check out the full release notes at
I'd like to hear from people that are running #phosh on other devices than the #librem5 or #pinephone (including pro) to get a better idea about the use cases.
Is it portrait or landscape by default? What's the native resolution and display diagonal?
Together with #phosh itself I've tagged 0.20.0 versions of phosh-mobile-settings (to tweak some advanced mobile settings,, phom (a virtual mouse to control the mouse cursor on a 2nd screen, and phosh-osk-stub (a input-method debugging tool,
phosh 0.20.0 is out 🚀📱 :
After three beta releases we've finally tagged phosh 0.20.0.
Check out the full release notes at . This also links to the release notes of the beta releases which have more details.
And the good news is we already have new merge requests pending for phosh 0.20.1 and 0.30.0.
For my #debconf22 talk I've hacked up the great pdf-presenter-console to fit the phone screen and show my notes so I can see what's currently on the LCD for the audience:
📱 On my way to #Debconf22 and it was the first time I could show the QR code of a train ticket on #phosh's lockscreen to the conductor (had to resort to unlock ➡️ nautilus ➡️ evince so far).
For that I stitched together a lockscren plugin that leverages #evince's libevince. Hope the other tickets will works just as well tomorrow.
phosh 0.20.0~beta1 is out 🚀📱 :
Couple of days late due to #Debian Reunion in HH but here we go:
* swipe gestures on top and bottom bar
* quick settings and top bar on lock screen
* Revamp settings menu
* Lots of detail fixes
It's a beta since we want to put some final touches on gestures and top-bar to not regress (see
Check out the full release notes for details.
phosh 0.17.0 is out 🚀📱 :
The release is a bit smaller than usual but syncing up with #GNOME 42 is well worth it:
* Add mobile data (or rather lack thereof) indicator
* Implement portal access API
* Sync up with GNOME 42 changes
Check out the full release notes for details.