@agx awesome! I just bought one of those uperfect docks!
@agx can you remind me again on how I would see the update for this? Or can I just go to the gitlab and pull down the Deb artifact?
@Phaserune see https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/debs/pkg-phosh/-/tags/pureos%2F0.21.1-1pureos1 and https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/debs/phosh-mobile-settings/-/tags/pureos%2F0.21.1-1pureos1 ..Package flow (for all packages targeted at #pureos byzantium is): Things will show up in the landing suite once the autobuilders processed it and they will then migrate after 5 days (default for medium urgency) to byzantium if no critical issues show up and all needed dependencies migrated too.
You can grab packages from the above CI pipelines if you want to test immediately.
@agx thanks! I just manually installed them.Really appreciate all of the efforts on the Librem 5!!
Matching #phosh 0.21.1 there's phosh-mobile-settings 0.21.1 with another dock added and some fixes: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-mobile-settings/-/tags/v0.21.1