For my #debconf22 talk I've hacked up the great pdf-presenter-console to fit the phone screen and show my notes so I can see what's currently on the LCD for the audience:
@Fu @agx His phone OS is, but there is also #postmarketOS which I wouldn't call GNU (being based on #alpinelinux and #Musl and #Busybox) but also isn't Android.
If "NGNU" works for #postmarketos and #alpinelinux we could simply call them "[N]GNU/Linux phones", problem solved once and for all ;)
time to go to sleep 🛌
@agx case in point I spent over half my work day today doing everything from my Android/Linux device
@Fu Interesting. Did you dock it to larger screen? What apps did you use? Most people I've met that use this with Android weren't very happy with the app situation where as on Linux with a distribution you have the adaptive ones as well as the ones for desktop that work very well in these situations (as they were built with that use case in mind).
@agx wow! Super exciting ! Just for fun or do you see a particular niche in the #marketplace?