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phosh 0.21.0 is out 🚀📱 :

It was supposed to be bug fixes only but also got improved screen shot support and a (experimental) widget to show
upcoming events on the lock screen.

Check out the full release notes at


Thanks everyone! We had some Samsung Galaxy S3 devices mentioned in the phosh matrix channel recently as well.

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Today I am enjoying the beach!

Thanks to automatic high-contrast mode in #Phosh I can still waste time on the internet 😂

gsettings set sm.puri.phosh automatic-high-contrast true
to enable it, and you can also adjust the

gsettings set sm.puri.phosh automatic-high-contrast-threshold <number>

Thanks @agx for this useful feature!

Tomorrow begins #FrOSCon17
Please consider the COVID Rules:
* Please stay at home if you feel sick
* Please do a COVID Self-Test before
* If you're inside, please wear a mask (if you forgot your mask, we might have some to spare)
* Please get vaccinated, if not done yet.

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Well, finally figured out why #u-boot was not #reprooducible on arm64 and armhf when the build path varied between builds.

The debugging symbols have been embedding build paths since 2022.04~rc4.

Not sure if it was a packaging change, or an upstream change, but passing -ffile-prefix-map instead of -fmacro-prefix-map to the compiler, as well as passing --debug-prefix-map to the "as" generated assembly fixed it!

Time to submit upstream!


It is rainy here, so I can't actually test it yet, but I just updated phosh on my pinephone and set this on it also.
Great work from purism with this new phosh update!!!

Waydroid has never worked with GPU acceleration on the Librem 5 so far... time to change that!

As this came up multiple times: phosh 0.20.0 currently requires GTK animations to be on:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations true

So if you (or your distro) turned it off please enable it before updating as otherwise you won't be able to use the overview.

I know animations are on by default in and so nothing to do there.


Better a late announcement than no announcement:

Calls 43.beta.0 got released a couple of days ago

you can

@purism #gnome #mobile #foss #mobilelinux #debian

I'll start:

14" laptop, landscape, 1920x1080, hw keyboard

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I'd like to hear from people that are running on other devices than the or (including pro) to get a better idea about the use cases.

Is it portrait or landscape by default? What's the native resolution and display diagonal?

Only 10 Days left until the next #FrOSCon starts and we need YOU.
Register at and book some shifts.
#FrOSCon woulnd't be the same without you.

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Kindly asked @FrOSCon yesterday to please add and to the list of supported platforms for the conference talk feed and it's already fixed: - thanks a lot!

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