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@coucouf @kaidan This means it will also be part of PureOS Byzantium and easily available on the Librem 5 when it switches to Byzantium, yay! \o/

I always wanted a simple way to do measurements on the with a voltmeter or scope while still having most of the hardware like attached and being able to swap components quickly. Today i got an idea and it works fairly well. I can even flip the whole thing around fairly quickly to measure on the other side and put the whole thing away to free space on the desk:

As of todays -next ( you can run the without any additional patches using the default mainline arm64 . This means distributions can enable it without trouble from 5.12 onwards. The itself needs some more work but it builds a lot on what we have for the devkit. As I said, those updates are not related to mainline releases. There were several 5.9 kernels distributed for Librem 5 and a new one is now available in the staging repo (and will migrate to production in a few days). This particular fix is included in version 5.9.16+librem5.1. @agx Battery level is already fixed in a 5.9 update that's currently in staging repos, and PD should follow soon. Those things aren't aligned with mainline kernel releases.

But answering your question - there's already a 5.11-rc2 tree available for testing and I'm running it on my phones.

@gamey If the drivers have improved since the last time I tried it there, it might have worked out-of-box in GL mode now. You may still get slightly better performance in GLES though.

@Alexmitter @gamey In case of PinePhone, that would be making it use GLES instead of GL.

@Alexmitter @gamey It has worked there since the very beginning, you just need to compile it properly to accommodate for Lima's poor GL2.1 support :P

Just tagged phoc 0.6.0 - notable changes: filters out touch events on disabled touchscreens (thanks to @craftyguy), improves handling of tiled windows, includes plenty of bugfixes for mouse pointer support and tries a bit harder to fit windows onto the screen (which may help some Flatpak apps). Grab it for your distro while it's fresh! @purism Yes, that's what I meant. Scrolling in Epiphany is slow, and zooming is super slow, but that's Epiphany's (and gtk's) thing. What's properly GPU-accelerated works smoothly on the L5. Epiphany is slow even on my laptop. AFAIK there's still plenty of work needed to make it as performant as it could be.

I've put together a short overview on and closely related components and how they play together:

A few years ago I've switched my Debian server from unstable to testing. These days I start to consider leaving it on stable once Bullseye gets released.

Am I... growing up? The screen has been running at 63Hz for a while already.

0.7.1 is out 🚀 :

Bug fixes for keyboard navigation, monitor unplug, and modal dialog background rendering (@dos) but also new features like keygrabbing support (to make e.g media keys work) by @devrtz and initial logind support.


@leimon @purism Not on this video - I switched to 1366x768@60 because this TV looks bad at 1080p for some reason. @purism phoc is the compositor, phosh is the shell. phoc draws all surfaces on screen and handles window management, but has no UI on its own. phosh provides the UI and implements GNOME interfaces.

phoc is like kwin; phosh is like plasmashell

With phoc being a phone compositor and touchscreen being a primary input device, mouse pointer handling has been a bit neglected - but it's going to change soon! Fixing some pointer-related bugs and adding quality of life improvements in :) @purism

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