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phosh 0.32.0 is out 🚀📱:

More fixes in and ➕ allows to reorder lock screen plugins (thanks ➕ improvements in phosh-osk-stub's virtual-keyboard mode in non US layouts (e.g. for electron apps) and initial support for Malayalam.

Check out the full release notes at


@QuadRadical in my simplistic world view phosh is part of the gnome mobile effort. Nitpicking aside: If you mean if it also runs under the gnome-shell fork for mobile: it should, it's a regular GTK/adwaita app.

Sources are at

Next thing needed is a "stop charging" button as some charging stations don't allow for that either 😞 . The data leaking involved here is also concerning but as it is sent out no matter what, let's at least make it usable via too.

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Had the need to charge an all electric Kia recently and guess what: both the charging stations app and the vendor's app are proprietary so how would I know when charging finished?

Turns out people around figured out the vendor API so I could use that to have a small app to monitor the charging status on my running

@krzym @devrtz @copyrights @zeroday Librem 5 ist locker schnell genug für Waydroid, siehe

Problem bei Waydroid ist eher:
- derzeit generell kein Bluetooth support
- die proprietären Apps laufen nicht auf gerooteteten Telefonen

Von daher ist der Anwendungsfall in er Praxis stark eingeschränkt.

@dperson @devrtz The toggle also works on byzantium (that's where I've taken the screenshot).

I had already disabled automatic HighContrast in but the last days were so ☀️ that I flipped it on again.

Thankfully this doesn't need any `gsettings set sm.puri.phosh automatic-high-contrast true` anymore but can be done conveniently in the mobile-setting's sensor panel added by @devrtz in 0.29.0.

#ExtremeProgramming principle: Accepted Responsibility

"Responsibility cannot be assigned; it can only be accepted. If someone tries to give you responsibility, only you can decide if you are responsible or if you aren’t."

Beck, Kent; Andres, Cynthia. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (p. 63).

AKA why developers/engineers should be signing up for work OVER being assigned work

@eliasr I assume at a later point there will be calls for upgrade and alpha / beta testing.

@eliasr You can check the issues tagged crimson in PureOS bug tracker and see if something sparks your interest but I'd say most things need a spare device to test on (there's little things left that can sensibly be done in e.g. a VM).

@eliasr I don't think anybody is doing the backporting to byzantium atm. Crimson has recent packages (but I wouldn't recommend Crimson for every day phone usage yet). For experiments `l5-fetch-next phosh` gives you current phosh (+next patches) on byzantium (that's what I'm using to run recent phosh on my daily device).

Long-Covid-Betroffene müssen noch immer um die Anerkennung ihrer Krankheit kämpfen. Nur wenige Spe­zia­lis­t*in­nen kennen sich gut aus:

@dan …if you can control the messaging protocols of people you talk to. That often works but not always.

(If we could all have agreed on XMPP 10y ago the world would maybe be a better place 😃 )

@agx @deedend @devrtz @purism
I have been daily driving mine since February of this year. Before that, I daily drove the PPP for a year and before that I daily drove the PP for a year.
The was a major step up in quality and usability from day one. I loved my pinephones, but I don't think that I could go back to them.

@xethos @devrtz thats why i keep my subscription. No wasted electronics, a steady payment and less a guilt feeling of 'donating' for a service.

@julianfairfax @deedend @devrtz @purism (what you call) "Bigger players" are just slow. They will adapt eventually as the toolkits bubble up.

@claudi awesome! Glad it's working for you and thanks for sharing the details so others can follow in your footsteps.

@julianfairfax @deedend @devrtz @purism

Linux wasn't a "desktop" platform to begin with either so that argument doesn't make sense.

Linux is what we make out of it by contributing to the solution. The Linux kernel has the capability to run well on mobile. We have mobile shells and adaptive toolkits and devices that can run them well. We need to continue to grow the app ecosystem and work on infrastructure bits sure but this very thread proves that this is happening at a nice pace.

@deedend @devrtz @purism I'd try . I've also posted a message to the community/librem5 matrix channel linking to this post

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