@kyle 🎉 Congratulations to getting this out!
Is there a "sample chapter" for people to peek at? So one can get a feel about the text to example ratio, typeface, how distro agnostic it is, etc.
Nice #Librem5 update today brings Camera-Update. All the different functions (Gain, Balance, Exposure, Focus) can now be set to auto. While not always working perfect, this enhances my fotos as my use case in 99 % is not to set all parameters perfectly but to just take quick a foto. Also there is video-recording now. I am excited. I am about two weeks daily driving my Librem5 now and I feel that I will not switch back to Android. #purism #linuxphones
@twiclo mpv has way, way more features and I use it a lot on the desktop.
µPlayer doesn't even try to compete but rather to be mobile and touch friendly.
Playback speed was on the list of things to add so I added that (https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/livi/-/merge_requests/3, needs some styling) and I tripped on a phoc bug in fullscreen and fixed that as well.
I'm now convinced that #Phosh is the best for tablets and convertibles. Thanks to everyone who worked on this.
Debugging für Sysadmins has been released on media.ccc.de https://media.ccc.de/v/glt23-334-debugging-fr-sysadmins
@ibrahim @primalmotion I've used phosh on a convertible for a long time (but then the hardware broke) but am still using it on my laptop daily.
1. Doesn't unfold? Doesn't show at all? How did you install it? Both squeekboard and phosh-osk-stub are used on different form factors from phone to touch enabled laptops.
2.: you can use a bit of CSS to make parts transparent similar to https://social.librem.one/@agx/109875125645959859
4. You can "organize" things by moving them to favorites. Not yet great but works.
5. The cursor is hidden on touch only devices. If there's a mouse / trackbal attached it's shown.
6. That can be turned off.
A new issue of #ThisWeekInGNOME is now online!
#91 Inverted Titles
Yay! https://framagit.org/linuxphoneapps/linuxphoneapps.frama.io/-/merge_requests/25 is merged! 🎉 🥳 🎉🎈
@kyle I think the litmus test if a email flow has improved is to check with the people you *interact* with if they notice any difference. Otherwise it might have improved for you but not the people you correspond with 😃 .
#notmuch has been a great help for me to find emails, works nicely in mutt (https://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2011/01/how_to_use_Notmuch_with_Mutt/)
Now that I know Thomas' fediverse handle:
The #phosh emergency calls MR above is by @CoderThomasB 👍
Icons in the power-button MR are by @snwh 👍
The small green indicator in the top right corner is supposed to figure out if hardware acceleration is in use (as otherwise your battery is drained quickly).
Packages on flathub are updated.
Completely forget: I've tagged version 0.0.3 of μPlayer (a small video player using #gtk and #gstreamer targeting fullscreen landscape playback on mobile phones) the other day:
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (14/2023): PineTab V and Happy Easter!
@baliceauxPelican In fact we get those from the SIM only atm but custom numbers are on the list (it's something that happens entirely on the calls app side).
Videos are at two times speed.
- Emergency call MR: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/merge_requests/904
- Power button menu MR: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/merge_requests/1224
(the related #gnome-calls side MRs are already merged, thanks @devrtz)