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Based on @craftyguy 's -sdl work i added cryptsetup-initramfs support to the 's image-builder so one can build encrypted images too. There's more work needed for this to hit the factory floor but at least one can build own images with encryption once all is merged. The video shows the devkit since this a bit simpler to debug over serial:

0.6.0 is out 🚀 :

Besides more fixes for docked mode, the most visible change is 's work to close apps by swiping up. This needs 1.0.2.


0.5.1 is out 🚀 :

This is mostly bugfixes over 0.5.1 plus translations updates but also enables docked mode for tablets thanks (thanks to Arnaud)


Getting on the to work is all over the stack (, , , , kernel, ...). Every piece wants a bit of attention somewhat like

0.5.0 is out 🚀 :

This adds more keybindings, "docked mode" (for usage with external screen/mouse/keyboard) and more fixes with multiple screens.

You need recent 0.4.4, 1.10.0 and git master (or backported fixes) for this to work.


@purism I improved keyboard navigation in a bit so the becomes more fun to use when docked:

@purism Built a simple virtual mouse for using virtual-pointer protocol so i can navigate the pointer on the external screen attached to the without having a physical mouse attached. Useful for e.g. presentations when you only connect a beamer.

0.4.5 is out 🚀 :

This one adds a torch/flashlight quick setting, improves support for external screens and switches to structured logging. There's also a rather long list of internal fixes as well as translation updates (thanks a lot for that)!


@purism While fixing related issues in , and the kernel for the I wanted things to be more automatic. So can now enable a 'docked' mode on screen plug: windows become moveable automatically (and get their close button back), gets disabled and there's a quick setting that lets you toggle that too:

Switched to (plus some hacks until i have all pakages uploaded) on my . That's way closer and it already works quite well:

0.4.4 is out 🚀 :

Besides lots of new translations and i18n improvements this release switches to libhandy 1.0 and makes the wwan signal strength indicator work for too (contributed by &t). We also expanded the developer docs ( and @zbrown made some internal cleanups.


Less hacks when driving an external screen with the : you can see how the monitor picks up the video signal when the yellow led on the external screen turns to blue and the external mouse is detected when the cursor appears on 's lock screen in the upper left corner (and yes, i need better video equipment):

@purism …and here's a quick Quake II demo using the docked via usb-c (audio is from L5's built in speaker) - might be a bit more exciting than running (which also works):

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@purism And here's the connected to a usb-c hub that has a keyboard/mouse connected via usb and driving the external screen via dp-alt-mode. Needs some hacks still but we're getting there:

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The 's LCD panel driver just got applied to drm-misc-next: so the side of the display stack is mostly in place now 😓

Should you ever need a DisplayPort reference for NXPs imx8mq: here's a hardware mod for the Devkit to switch it from to : (based on schematic by Bernhard Fink in NXPs forums).

0.4.3 is out 🚀 :

This release contains the shell side of volume (and other media) button support by @devrtz and notifications timestamps (by Lugsole) - so you know *when* you missed a call. i18n improved too.


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