App Showcase: Tootle
"Social media can be a great way to engage with friends and family. But most of the popular services and apps track their users."
It turns out that software is "curl | sh" all the way down:
3. I work from home, but if I commuted (and the Librem 5 could replace my work laptop) I wouldn't need to commute w/ a laptop *or* a dock. Hubs and laptop docks are cheap enough I could leave one at home and one at work. Any work in transit I could handle directly from the phone.
2. Keeping a laptop w/ you at all times when traveling is a pain. It's easy to keep a phone w/ you. When I travel again, I can safely leave my laptop dock behind in a hotel room. If someone steals it while it's unattended I'm also out much less money than with a laptop.
1. Having not just all your data with you on a single device, but having *running apps* using that data that can migrate to and from larger screens. Often I dock so I can expand an app I'm already using right then to the larger screen. Handy for multi-tab web research and email.
Maybe it's because I recently read Mrs. Dalloway and by comparison Woolf handled the same approach (stream of consciousness inside various characters' minds during a single day) masterfully. By comparison Ulysses is a self-indulgent slog in need of an editor.
@kyle "If you can't fix it, you don't own it!." I applaud Purism for posting this. Moar companies need to do stuff like this. Thanks for sharing!
All week as we were preparing this article all I could think was: "No disassemble! No disassemble Librem 5!"
Pretty messed up that a mom had to have this conversation w/ their 7-yr-old: "Every time you ride your bike down this block, there are probably 50 cameras that watch you going past. If you make a bad choice, those cameras will catch you." #privacy
I replaced my personal laptop with a Librem 5 and laptop dock for a week. Here are my impressions:
In particular I appreciated the discussion on the responsibility everyone has not just for their own #privacy, but the privacy of everyone else they connect with. When you give up your privacy to an app, you are also selling out your friends, family and colleagues.
I really enjoyed this Radiolab episode on all of the security measures behind the Zcash key signing ceremony. Stick around for the bonus security and privacy dilemma when the reporter covering the event discovers their phone is hacked mid-ceremony:
This is the jellyfish h264 demo on a #librem5 using the #imx8mq's #hantro VPU.
Using the CPU we take 300% of CPU time, using the VPU instead we take 10% (and even that can be optimized further). Using the VPU also saves ~1.5W of power. Thanks go to the #gstreamer and #linux kernel folks for making this possible!
If you study the history of the Cold War (or watched the movie Wargames), you know we've had many "close calls" that almost led to nuclear holocaust, only stopped by someone's ethics overriding their orders and training. AI won't be programmed with that "limitation".
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.