New #vanlife hack: instead of buying drinking water for trips, using a Lifestraw Flex to filter water from van's fresh water tank into a gallon bottle. Tank is probably fine to drink, but this gives me extra peace of mind, and a way to get drinking water in an emergency too.
I've joked about printing in Linux for 20 years, but I just got a portable printer for #vanlife (Canon Pixma iP110) and it was literally plug and play. I connected printer USB to my laptop, it auto-detected/configured it, and prompted to print a test page which worked perfectly.
If there were any doubt my van is the ultimate survival vehicle, look what I just found in there! #liquidgold #vanlife
Sure, Spot is creepy, but on the plus side I'd be one step closer to owning my own "Rat Thing" and turning my van into Ng's "wheelchair" from Snow Crash! #vanlife
The insult "ten miles of bad road" is much more devastating now that I've just driven ten miles of bad road. #vanlife
#vanlife at #DEFCON means arriving/leaving when I want and avoiding invasive airport and hotel searches. Last year my DEFCON vanlife experiment was a failure. This year I'm hopefully learning from my mistakes:
1. New AC to replace original that 110F Vegas heat killed last year.
2. Camping on strip, so no 30-min commute from camp to venue.
3. Leaving van plugged in, AC on, taking cabs to venues, so no more parking unplugged in direct sun all day (limited high-clearance parking in garages).
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.