"People only dislike ads when they aren't relevant" is at best a myth, at worst a lie. People dislike *all* ads, but tolerate them. Given a choice between irrelevant ads w/ no tracking or highly relevant ads w/ extensive tracking, most would choose irrelevant ads.
Even in a battle of wills w/ an 8-year-old, the key to breaking a standoff is to allow the other party to save face when they concede. #parenting
Bill aims to ban microtargeting of political ads. I'd argue the same reasoning to ban targeted manipulation for political ads should apply to *all* ads. The Internet (and society) would be much healither w/o microtargeting. #privacy https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/05/proposed-bill-would-ban-microtargeting-of-political-advertisements/
We moved libhandy from Purism's infra to GNOME's infra! Learn more here: https://adrienplazas.com/blog/2020/05/22/handy-1-alpha-1-migrating-to-gnome.html.
Repo: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libhandy
Doc: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libhandy
Contact-tracing app caught sharing location data with Foursquare
https://mashable.com/article/care19-north-dakota-contact-tracing-app-sharing-location-data-foursquare/ #privacy #security #purism #librem5
With Twitter and now Facebook legitimizing permanent remote work I suspect we'll see others follow suit with a strong impact on Bay Area economics. So much highly-paid talent only moved here because a tech job required it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/05/21/facebook-permanent-remote-work/
I can't believe it's already been six months since we announced our anti-interdiction services! This service has been full of surprises and in this post I talk about some of the things I've learned while painting laptops with glitter nail polish.
#phosh 0.3.0 is out: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/tags/v0.3.0
Notifications can be persistent now thanks to zbrown, screen blanking/locking and haptic feedback are improved as is #i18n.
Interesting #privacy conflict: some governments and health officials are upset with Google and Apple because they won't share the location data their contract tracing apps collect. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/05/15/app-apple-google-virus/
Following #COVID-19 medical advice is a partisan issue in the US now. The virus is non-partisan, but if one party engages in riskier behavior resulting in more deaths among its members, recent elections have been close enough that it could impact the outcome in November.
@kyle This is one of my favorite things about the Librem 5 and is why I'm so excited to get one! :)
To the best of our knowledge, the #Librem5 is the only smartphone around with a OpenPGP smart card reader. In this post I talk about why that's such a big deal: https://puri.sm/posts/your-own-personal-enclave-the-smart-card-reader-on-the-librem-5/
Surveillance vendor NSO Group pitched hacking tools to US police forces that would "turn your target's smartphone into an intelligence gold mine" #privacy #infosec https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8899nz/nso-group-pitched-phone-hacking-tech-american-police
It doesn't have to be this way. Messaging isn't complicated. We solved this more than a decade ago. You have five incompatible messaging apps on your phone because greed drives companies to ignore compatibility and optimize for vendor lock-in. https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/lessons-vendor-lock-messaging
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.