In a world full of bored pranksters willing to zoombomb en masse, a truly anonymous #COVID19 contact tracing app doesn't stand a chance. It'll only take a small number of trolls to make identification mandatory.
@kyle Coincidentally I've been recently asked to explain why remote wiping is so complicated - on example of your article :) Good job you did.
Today I was reminded of the time I remotely wiped a server over SSH and wrote about it for Linux Journal. I figured some of you might not have read it before and would find it entertaining:
For the sake of our phones (and clothing) I hope the COVID-19 5G truthers setting fire to antennas in the UK never discover these apps use radio waves to track the infection.
I'm so happy I splurged for Penguin's high quality cloth hardcover of War and Peace (Briggs translation). It not only feels great in your hands, it has a silk ribbon bookmark! #booknerd
The article touches on some #privacy concerns, but much depends on this being voluntary. My concern is it will be false choice like many TSA rules: ie. you can "choose" to use the app and resume work/public life or "choose" to stay at home.
Here's a practical COVID-19 challenge for makers: solve the consumer TP supply chain issues with a #3dprinted drill attachment that would let you re-spool an empty consumer TP tube from the giant (now plentiful) commercial rolls so people could do it at home.
"Why do you wear a mask?"
"They are terribly comfortable, I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."
It was Interesting to see lots of high-spec configs with a Pureboot bundle (paired Librem Key) and our anti-interdiction services. People are choosing more secure options when they are available!
Remember that Big Data companies redefine #privacy to mean private to others, not private to them. They still see and store your personal data:
"No personally identifiable information, such as an individual's location, contacts or movement, will be made available at any point"
If there were any doubt my van is the ultimate survival vehicle, look what I just found in there! #liquidgold #vanlife
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.