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But at least one could already play stuff like Animatch or Neverball at full res on the phone with no glaring issues.

Today, while still not ready to become the default (almost!), SDL got bunch of those missing parts filled in - mostly by Ethan Lee. I've managed to find and fix some bugs this time as well. So, grab SDL 2.0.16, test and enjoy its refreshed Wayland backend while it's hot!

More info on the Wayland backend state (by Ethan):

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Back in 2018, putting SDL's Wayland backend into shape was part of my first project done for @purism. Before that you couldn't really use it without expecting it to crash; it was outdated and lacked support for basic stuff like high DPI screens. Got it to work well enough for basic use-cases back then (even fixing some compositor bugs in the process), but it was still pretty bare bones with tons of features missing and the rest held by duct tape.

Update on how we are accelerating Librem 5 software support in mainline Linux ➡️

@patrick @letterus @agx That would be something for system integrators/distro maintainers to decide and apply though, no need to have upstream phoc guessing user intention and hardware performance.

@patrick @letterus @agx Such workaround would be opt-in anyway (unless a distro maintainer opts-in for you of course ;))

@letterus @agx Some people may strongly prefer snappiness over sharpness, so why not give them a choice? :)

@letterus @agx One more thing: a possible feature that could be added to phoc to make platforms like PinePhone faster even with software rendering is to render everything in smaller resolution and then upscale while displaying. This will of course make everything blurry or pixelated, but should make it very snappy even with underpowered hardware.

@letterus @agx Possibly. GTK4's GPU rendering isn't well optimized for mobile platforms, but it already got pretty usable in GTK 4.2. There will still be some work needed in order to keep slow GPU-rendered clients from making the whole compositor slow (like, so there's no single silver bullet, but we'll get there eventually ;)

@letterus @agx Most of apps you're likely to run under phosh (and also phosh itself) is still based on GTK3, and GTK3 is purely software rendered - PinePhone's slow memory bandwidth is a huge bottleneck there. It is noticeably snappier on the Librem 5 since its RAM is significantly faster.

One thing to check is whether arm64 optimizations are enabled in pixman build used by your distro, there is a patch that's not merged upstream that can make it a bit faster overall.

phosh 0.13.0 is out 🚀 :

Improved call handling when shell is locked, lockscreen notifications, high contrast theme support and much more. Check the release notes.

@gamey @maximiliano No way, Megapixels reaches directly to V4L2 media request API, which is as low-level as it gets (maybe aside of reimplementing the drivers in user space)

@maximiliano > ASHPD

I *knew* that this acronym feels weirdly familiar, but I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't realize why until I read the README.

@chrichri I wish! I have no idea how to build it with F-Droid's build system (it's a cmake project that embeds gradle). It is in my own repo though:

@ruff It doesn't even request any permissions. It's an Allegro game - one big OpenGL context, audio output, touch input and just enough Java glue to get multiplatform C code going, there's nothing more there.

So one of my old FLOSS games got removed from Google Play Store because apparently "No information is gathered from users whatsoever" is not a valid privacy policy for an application that does not gather any information from users whatsoever 🤷

@the_tech_beast It does not - it was just the rendering of system UI etc.

The whole CPU usage "test" wasn't very useful since it mostly showed how much CPU the terminal uses to render changing htop content (and terminals that do their drawing on the GPU will obviously show less CPU usage there)

@linmob This one and Navit were a go-to navigation apps on the N900 :)

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