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📲 #UpcyclingAndroid:
Dabei laufen zwei Workshops mit etwas unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen parallel:

a: Austausch über die Entwicklung von #PostmarketOS #LinuxPhones @postmarketOS

b: Flash-Workshop: #CalyxOS uund andere #CustomROMs können hier getestet und das Flashen ausprobiert werden @calyxos
Es soll Raum geben für Austausch über Fragen zu alternativen, freien Betriebssystemen für Android-Geräte.

#Köln #FOSS
@dreirik @floriansnow

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The eagerly awaited Debian Reunion Hamburg 2022 has started! People have been arriving, and are happy to meet in person, to hack and chat together, and much more until next Monday!

Misc Developer News (#57): Debian Reunion Hamburg 2022, Python Packages: pep517 build tool, New Debian mailing list: debian-math

@purism is hiring Webdev, Technical Writer, App Devs, Firmware Devs

Call management 📞 and phone status reports 🔋 📶 with #Bluetooth HFP devices are coming to #linuxmobile :linux: 📱 through #ModemManager & #PulseAudio 🔊 on @postmarketOS !

Dialing numbers, accepting, rejecting, and hanging up calls are possible through any #Bluetooth HFP device so you drive safely while making a #handsfree call!

See the demo on @peertube:

Of course there's already an #upstream MR:

@PINE64 @purism @mobian @linmob @tuxdevices

Initial compositor code is now merged onto and 's main development branches. There's some visual and structural stuff to fix before the next release but I'm running it since weeks now and it proved to be pretty stable.

📱Quick settings are moving to phosh's lock screen which gives us more always visible indicators too:

phosh 0.17.0 is out 🚀📱 :

The release is a bit smaller than usual but syncing up with 42 is well worth it:

* Add mobile data (or rather lack thereof) indicator
* Implement portal access API
* Sync up with GNOME 42 changes

Check out the full release notes for details.

If you're running you can install `l5-devscripts` on your device and then just do:

l5-fetch-next phosh-byz

and it will fetch the latest -next Debian package from CI and install it for testing.

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Hey, so this is super cool.

Google has been collecting call and messaging data about who you talk to or send text messages to for years. There's no opt-out, no notifcation in their TOS they're doing this, and you can't see the results of that collection in Google Takeout.

With the groundwork for gestures coming to I wanted to see if we can reuse the animation code needed for that in other places like 's tiling window placement.

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Back home after a work day. Left with a 85% charged #Librem5 on 8:35, now it's 18:45 and I just received the 10% battery warning.
Quite the improvement, I'd say!

Salsa (, the Debian Gitlab instance) is back online - thanks DSA and Salsa admins!

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