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The state of the 's microphone hardware kill switch wasn't indicated so far but that is bound to change:

Worth tooting how awesome is

Its the and (sometimes) home screen and just plain works. Launch/kill apps, no prob. Add shortcuts, no prob. Notifications, no prob. etc

How discouraging would it be if the phone’s “center” wasn’t solid as you fuss about trying all these non-mobile apps. It isn’t “why” you use a phone but it is integral to how.

As I understand it, this is largely @agx 's work. So here’s a thanks to you and the whole phosh crew for advancing mobile linux!

Having #fun while doing #Debian #package maintenance: Listening to the music of the #BB #demo for #aalib in an endless loop while preparing a maintenance upload of Debian's bb package. 😃

I always wanted a simple way to do measurements on the with a voltmeter or scope while still having most of the hardware like attached and being able to swap components quickly. Today i got an idea and it works fairly well. I can even flip the whole thing around fairly quickly to measure on the other side and put the whole thing away to free space on the desk:

As of todays -next ( you can run the without any additional patches using the default mainline arm64 . This means distributions can enable it without trouble from 5.12 onwards. The itself needs some more work but it builds a lot on what we have for the devkit.

Purism and Linux 5.8

"Following up on our report for Linux 5.7 this summarizes the progress on mainline support for the Librem 5 phone and its development kit during the 5.8 development cycle."

Besides the scaling from yesterday now also handles single / join display mode via GNOME Settings (arranging outputs, also changing resolution, rotation). There's bugs to be fixed in and to make this fully reliable but if you're careful it's already pretty useful:


in numbers 2020:

commits: 759
distinct authors (incl. i18n): 40
releases: 18

Thanks everyone!

While we had enabled power saving for the vivante gpu on the since some time we couldn't power off the corresponding regulator (power supply) since the phone would hang then. Turns out we just didn't give it enough time to come back up. Fix is already merged into linux-next:

I've put together a short overview on and closely related components and how they play together:

The 3rd of my Librem 5 recent teasers, that was made in lock-down mode, with what I had at home :

0.7.1 is out 🚀 :

Bug fixes for keyboard navigation, monitor unplug, and modal dialog background rendering (@dos) but also new features like keygrabbing support (to make e.g media keys work) by @devrtz and initial logind support.


Here's a bit of doc how 's session is set and what it interacts with:


GTK 4.0 is here! After four years of hard work from our dedicated developers, GTK 4.0 was released today. Some highlights from this release include media playback, drag-and-drop, and scalable lists and grids. Learn more about what's new in GTK 4.0:

#GTK #opensource #FOSS #release

With phoc being a phone compositor and touchscreen being a primary input device, mouse pointer handling has been a bit neglected - but it's going to change soon! Fixing some pointer-related bugs and adding quality of life improvements in :) @purism

0.7.0 is out 🚀 :

This features automatic media mounting, initial support for background XML, handling of per app `show-banners` notification setting and fixes for swipe window closing by


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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml