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First experiment with adaptive brightness on #Nexus7 . Patch written by @agx for #Librem5 but since it's open-source code, everyone benefits! ✌️

for some reason sometimes keys break for me on the phosh keyboard, but it runs on the #pinephone :D

And here's the corresponding phoc release:

Most changes are around window movement via keyboard but also some bugs got fixed.

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insides (bunch of bodge cables will be removed + better cable mgmt)

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We contributed 20 patches and 23 Reviewed-by or Tested-by tags towards 5.4

Including: improvements to the Librem 5 devkit’s IMU and panel drivers, preparation for a mainline display stack and Librem 5 bug fixes

phosh 0.1.4 is out:

Mostly to fix the pureos amber build but it also fixes window titles in the overview.


blank on power button press coming to to the Librem 5 and it's devkit. This is on linux-next + nwl and mxsfb patches and some not yet merged phoc/wlroots patches:

phosh 0.1.3 is out

Most notable change is that favorites are now editable via long press (contributed by Zander Brown). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


MiniDebConf Vaumarcus (Switzerland) is happening this weekend! Follow the schedule, there will be live streaming

First bits of fixes for the (it uses another chip to drive the backlight than it's devkit) making it mainline already:


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