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The Call for Proposals for the Debian Reunion Hamburg ( closes this Sunday - if you are attending or plan to attend, submit a talk! Anything Free Software related is fine, bonus points for a #debian related talk. The CfP is here:

The artwork is by @francois . Sorry for forgetting that yesterday but after 20m of a phone hotline melody my brain melted.

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Testing the new merge request to set lockscren wallpapers in while waiting for vodafone's hotline to *please* fix out internet connection (which they fail to do so for seven days in a row now).

@chrichri yay! I usually capture the interesting area using gnome-screenshot in the preview 😃 before pasting into e.g. matrix.

@FOSSingularity Did you enable both "Opportunistic word completion" and "Toggle via OSK menu" in phosh-mobile-settings under "Text completion" in the "On Screen keyboard" tab"?

If so try gedit or chatty. Both should enable the completion bar automatically. If you then switch to a language layout (e.g. "German") and phosh-osk-stub doesn't find a matching dictionary it should print an error message to the logs hopefully telling you what's wrong.

@benpocalypse Phosh's landscape isn't much tuned atm as usually you want landscape and fullscreen (e.g. video players, terminals) which works just fine. The keyboard case is a bit different but noone bothered to send patches in that direction so far.

Making the nav bar smaller somewhat helps "by accident" but I'm happy it makes things more usable for the keyboard use case.

@chrichri Yay! Gesichter auch auf dem Telefon verpixelt?


Nein, nein, nicht Smartphones sind marktüblich. proprietäre Smartphones mit Google's Android oder Apples iOS sollen angeblich marktüblich sein. Muss halt jeder selber gucken wo seine Daten so bleiben.

Benutzer freier Software, (z.B. ) gucken komplett in die Röhre.

@mamichel1 @CoderThomasB @devrtz @purism

It's all uploaded to octarine already. When it will reach all librem5 phones depends how well it does there and if any issues come up.

phosh 0.27.0 is out 🚀📱:

This one has a new menu on power button long press, initial emergency calls support (thanks @CoderThomasB, @devrtz), improvements on the compositor side, new completers in phosh-osk-stub, configurable ring tones and more.

Check out the full release notes at


@calebccff I'm aware that this doesn't help right now but maybe for the future: has free software tooling.

Thank you to @bragefuglseth and the folks in the App Icon Design team ( ) for help designing a new icon for Phosh Antispam!

We are looking to possibly rename the app, so if you have ideas, they are welcome!

@zachdecook @dperson squeekboard doesn't like to be replaced ( . phosh-osk-stub can replace itself though (that's what I'm usually using). If you don't want to use the debian package and `update-alternatives` you can add phosh-osk-stub to /usr/bin/osk-wayland .

@dperson @zachdecook The completer itself will likely make it into -osk-stub 0.26.0 but the plumbing (disable completion, swiping over characters) needs a bit more time so that won't be in any repos too soon.
Building a Debian package from the Merge request is simple though (as it contains the packaging data). You also need to build and configure swipeGuess.

@baliceauxPelican @zachdecook The possibility for doing that has been available since some time, see (using uim) or (using varnam) - for other completers. Looking forward to someone looking into fcitx or ibus.

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