Ever since doing the initial completion support in #phosh 's osk-stub I wanted to add a generic "unix pipe" like completer. phosh-osk-stub would feed the program preedit on stdin and read the completions from the program's stdout.
That is there now and with that and some more changes I can use @zachdecook 's #swipeGuess to do swipe like typing. To be clear: all the hard work is done by swipeGuess, phosh-osk-stub just piggy backs on it:
Video is at 1 x speed
- @zachdecook's swipeGuess: https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeGuess
- phosh-osk-stub's pipe completer: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/76
- you also need https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/77 to avoid having to lift your finger
@dperson @zachdecook The completer itself will likely make it into #phosh-osk-stub 0.26.0 but the plumbing (disable completion, swiping over characters) needs a bit more time so that won't be in any repos too soon.
Building a Debian package from the Merge request is simple though (as it contains the packaging data). You also need to build and configure swipeGuess.
@zachdecook @dperson squeekboard doesn't like to be replaced (https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/squeekboard/-/issues/361) . phosh-osk-stub can replace itself though (that's what I'm usually using). If you don't want to use the debian package and `update-alternatives` you can add phosh-osk-stub to /usr/bin/osk-wayland .
@agx @dperson phosh crashes "Oh no!" when I `killall squeekboard && _build/run --replace` in Byzantium 🙁