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Laptop died yesterday but thanks to the , the Baseus Dock, an HDMI Screen, a USB keyboard and 's docked mode I have access to most of the things via my phone.

helps a lot as that means I have my ssh keys available by just plugging it in.

Took me about 15min to notice that I didn't even plug a mouse in.

Forgot to add: toggling always-on-top will also get a visual indication in an upcoming release (likely 0.39.0).

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While we try to find a suitable place for the clock in phosh's top bar when notches are present (since 0.29.0) we didn't take rounded corners into account as most of the time the left and right padding would be enough.

With more devices like the and daisy showing up as being used with we need to care about that too:

With a bit of help from the next phosh-osk-stub release can (optionally) hide when a keyboard gets attached.

I kept unlocking the 📱 a lot to check a cars charging status. Using 's launcher-box lockscreen-plugin and the LauncherEntry DBus protocol we can simplify that and have the information easily accessible:

If you're using in docked mode a lot and (like me) play videos while doing other things then upcoming changes in to have apps always-on-top and keybindings to move windows into screen corners might be helpful:

In case you want to support my work on and financially i've added some options to

phosh 0.35.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes the per-app feedback level selection in mobile settings (thanks to Teemu Ikonen). (No other changes in this point release).

Release notes are at

Livi (a little video player for ) (but it also has a wide mode for convergent use now) will soon remember stream positions so it's easy to continue watching. Here's how it looks in :

phosh 0.35.0 is out 🚀📱:

Among other QoL improvements this fixes the suspend inhibitor when using your phone as a WiFi hotspot and gives more screen estate due to a narrow home bar (by mathew-dennis),

Check out the full release notes at

I've released 0.0.5, a little video player mostly targeting mobile:

Among other things we make better use of screen estate in landscape even when not fullscreen.

phosh 0.34.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes two user visible regressions that crept into 0.34.0.

Check out the full release notes at

He look, 🎅 just dropped 0.34.0 🚀 📱 . The bulk of things happened on the Wayland compositor side but the phone shell and other bits also got some improvements and fixes.

Check the detailed release notes at

phosh 0.33.0 is out 🚀📱:

Allows to toggle password visibility on/off in all modal dialogs, new
🔒-screen plugin to launch tasks, improved support for Indic languages ➕ UI and troubleshooting tab improvements in mobile settings.

Check out the full release notes at

phosh 0.32.0 is out 🚀📱:

More fixes in and ➕ allows to reorder lock screen plugins (thanks ➕ improvements in phosh-osk-stub's virtual-keyboard mode in non US layouts (e.g. for electron apps) and initial support for Malayalam.

Check out the full release notes at


Progress in supporting Indic languages in phosh-osk-stub:

- merged initial completer support for Indic languages based on libvarnam earlier this week
- have an MR to switch from libvarnam to more modern govarnam (thx @subins2000
- @arunmani is looking into making all the possible completions available
- have an MR to allow to switch between different completion engines automatically (e.g. use for Us & De and for (see video below)

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