Is the problem that the govt. is buying location data w/o a warrant, or that data brokers can collect and sell it to begin with? We have to change the incentives driving the whole mobile app economy. This is something I wrote about in this article:
The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency shouldn't be spying on Americans, without a warrant, by paying data brokers for location info generated by our phone apps.
8. I don't know precisely when it started, but I realized today that at some point during the weekend I stopped looking at my watch all the time for notifications that weren't there. I think I beat the habit.
Parler Tricks: Making Software Disappear
"Regardless of how you feel about Parler, an important thing to note is that this is far from the first time, nor will it be the last time, that Google and Apple remove controversial software from their stores. "
Ad tech companies find the ability to track individual people around the Internet incredibly valuable. That's why they won't stop intrusive data collection:
"Facebook promised to bid on at least 90 percent of auctions when it could identify the end user"
7. Day Three. Still looking for phantom notifications on my watch, but I'm catching and stopping myself more often than not. The tell is when you look away from your watch without knowing the time. It's nice not having to charge my watch every night.
6. I would use my smart watch timer app for my coffee, so I replaced it with a kitchen timer clipped to my French Press.
5. This first day with an analog watch has already revealed to me just how much a smart watch has created subconscious, compulsive habits. It's unnerving to see tech rewire your brain like that.
4. I find myself looking at my wrist in the dark, even though this watch doesn't have a backlight.
3. Despite looking at my watch, if you had asked me what time it was, I couldn't have told you.
2. While writing the previous post I literally checked my analog wristwatch to see if there was a response to my first post yet.
1. I have checked my wrist frequently, sometimes only minutes apart, for notifications that aren't there. I almost never check to see the actual time.
Temporarily need more screen space with #phosh? Just scale to 100% instead of 200%:
Enough time has passed that I feel like I can share my (possibly controversial) perspective on software supply chain security without it seeming reactive or opportunistic:
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.