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@flathub Ah, the communication was pretty much non-existent and left me confused for hours. I've noticed that the CI publish job has failed and didn't really know why until I dug into logs of earlier jobs (that were marked as successful), searched the error message from there on the Web and then stumbled upon which made me look at the website.

Apparently there should have been an e-mail - I haven't got any though. The takeaway: "don't touch permissions when not needed" 😂

Looks like Flathub has just punished me for removing an unnecessary permission from the app I published by putting the update into moderation queue 😅 The queue itself is a welcome new addition to the infra, but perhaps it still needs some adjustments regarding the incentives it offers to the developers 😜 @flathub

We now provide nightly builds for Phosh and some related 📦 targeting #Debian Trixie thus making the current development
versions easier to test on Debian and Debian based distributions like @mobian (and hopefully in the future #PureOS):

More details at

@cas @craftyguy Can't decide between "It's awesome, I hate it" and "It's awful, I love it" 🤔

The #KiCad user survey is live! We welcome inputs from everyone doing PCB design:

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete

so it turns out that DisplayPort is "open-source" because VESA (a consortium of multinational corporations) does not, as of present day, have a history of impeding some of the other multinational corporations from releasing some of the related code under an open-source license

that's a pretty weak definition of "open-source", folks

also if you call your HDMI port a "XXMI" port or whatever, the HDMI Forum can't go after you any more VESA can, go wild, everyone does this

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Hey if you’re young, pace yourself or you’ll be spending your 30s+ never actually recovering from burnout completely.

Best case scenario you’ll take frequent breaks to try and top-up your energy but you’ll never actually get it back.

Maybe you think “I’m not going to live that long anyway” but you should try to live like you will keep living.

Or maybe you think “if I go at 500% now I’ll be able to afford the rest I need later.” but omfg no you won’t. You won’t make enough for that. You won’t.

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@isntitvacant @mcc Don't check untrusted stuff this way though, it will execute stuff from .init and .ctors sections (and anything `ls` calls that it may mask).

@thibaultamartin If you need to resort to that trick, then something's wrong with your unit and it may be worth to look closer at what's going on. Librem 5 is able to boot and fully operate with no battery inserted at all.

@thibaultamartin That's just not true. The "cheat code" is a troubleshooting sequence designed to maximize the chances of successful boot in presence of various kinds of troubles, including partially broken hardware. You never need to use that in normal operation, and certainly not just because the battery went past "a certain threshold".

Look, I'm famous! Mentioned in this great talk by @dos (at 15:40 into that) where he mentions me and says " vital observation... " - I made a vital observation! 🎉 Proudly adding this to my list of things to brag about.

Much of my life may have been pointless but not all of it: let it be known that I did spend a significant amount of time with trial-and-error to find the exact time delay needed for the USB connection to the modem to break down. 😄

@74 Jeśli diaspora* się liczy jako "w tej sieci", to ja byłem na StatusNecie już w 2009 😁

Some soldering iron practice and a bit of melted plastic later, I've got a side LED soldered - and it works!

...but only on second try, after making it face the wrong way and with some bodge wires applied. Well, you can't get *everything* right in the layout of your first prototype, can you? 😜

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@pecet Najzwyklejsze M.2 key M - przy czym mam jakieś niewyjaśnione przeczucie, że wyprowadzony jest tylko sygnał PCIe ;)

I've read a lot online about how "Y2K was overblown". As an engineer who worked like crazy in 1999 to correct our systems this drives me crazy.

Today I read about games going offline, watches getting frozen and airline tickets showing the wrong date.

Because of a leap year. Which happens every FOUR years (give or take).

Yeah Y2K was a once every 1000 year issue.

Isn't 2038 going to be fun.

@muvlon adduser doesn't ask any of those things when creating a system user 😛️

I kept unlocking the 📱 a lot to check a cars charging status. Using 's launcher-box lockscreen-plugin and the LauncherEntry DBus protocol we can simplify that and have the information easily accessible:

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