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Experimenting with utilizing assisted GNSS techniques on . Cold fix takes about 3 minutes in perfect conditions, but can easily take *much* longer otherwise - that's how GPS works. However, by downloading satellite data from the Internet instead of the sky it can go down to under a minute; sometimes even just a few seconds. Still a proof-of-concept at this point, but can already tell that catching a fix gets significantly easier this way:)

Croatia through Librem 5's eye - photos taken on automatic settings, with interactive comparison between images straight out of Millipixels and those processed in darktable afterwards.

Librem 5 waking up from system suspend on incoming call's first signal; soon your L5 will do that too.

Just flashed my phone with an OS image that was created on the same phone a few minutes earlier 馃槣 It works!

Last week an update arrived in PureOS with improvements for call audio. You should be more legible to your interlocutors during calls; also, the phone now automatically switches to external wired microphone once connected. The whole audio path went through a big overhaul, allowing for hardware volume control with zero-cross and reducing unnecessary amplification that could cause distortions.

Haven't seen people complaining about the changes so far - that's a good sign :)

phoc 0.21.0 has been released, more stable than ever, paving the way for the imminent release of phosh that will bring a lot of goodies in :) Grab it at 鉃★笍 @purism

phoc 0.21.0~beta1 is now out, improving several aspects of touch gestures in phosh and making scale-to-fit settings apply immediately at runtime. Grab it from

phoc 0.20 has been released, with lots of work on touch gesture support to be consumed by upcoming phosh release. grab it while it's fresh 鉃★笍

phoc 0.13.1 has been released, with bug fixes for fullscreen windows and layer-shell switching between layers 鉃★笍

phoc 0.8.0 has been released, bringing a fix for idle inhibition of gtk4 apps and working mouse/touchpad configuration in gnome-control-center. Grab it from

phoc 0.7.1 is out, which among some minor fixes allows more keyboard buttons to be handled by (such as PrintScr). Say thanks to @agx who authored all commits in this release and grab it from :)

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml