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It's summer on the northern hemisphere again 😎 so 's automatic high contrast mode got two updates that are already merged and hence will very likely be in 0.29.0:

1️⃣ /3️⃣

It's time for the final pre-flight checks on all our supporting infrastructure, and then bookworm will begin arriving on a mirror near you! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian

Debian's image building server has 88 CPUs along with 384GB of fast RAM and over 8TB SSD storage. Even so, each DVD-sized image takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and 20 are done at a time in parallel #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian #Debian12

And this is how it looks on a device with notch. Also enabled PHOC_DEBUG=cutouts so phoc renders the bounding box of these.

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Finally got to look at this again and instead of just pushing down 's top panel we now place the clock to the left or right based on the available space. The logic is still pretty simple but it covers the cases where we have data for in . Will try to land this in 0.29.0.

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phosh 0.28.0 is out 🚀📱:

There's quality of life and visual improvements both in phone and docked mode.

Check the release notes for details:


git-buildpackage 0.9.31 is out:

If you use --upstream-vcs-tag and have projects with repacked tarballs then this release should make this use case simpler (thanks to a patch by Richard Laager). There's some bugfixes as well.

once more for the peanut gallery

nvidia _choose_ to not support the wayland stack. or well more generally, the new linux kms+egl gpu stack, since there's a lot other cool things you can built on top of it that aren't wayland

nvidia _choose_ to implement crypto locked down fw in a way that blocks open drivers (even apple got this right!). and no one else can fix it, because it's actual real crypto

nvidia _choose_ to not fix any of this

don't buy nvidia if you don't like this


The Call for Proposals for the Debian Reunion Hamburg ( closes this Sunday - if you are attending or plan to attend, submit a talk! Anything Free Software related is fine, bonus points for a #debian related talk. The CfP is here:

The artwork is by @francois . Sorry for forgetting that yesterday but after 20m of a phone hotline melody my brain melted.

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Testing the new merge request to set lockscren wallpapers in while waiting for vodafone's hotline to *please* fix out internet connection (which they fail to do so for seven days in a row now).

phosh 0.27.0 is out 🚀📱:

This one has a new menu on power button long press, initial emergency calls support (thanks @CoderThomasB, @devrtz), improvements on the compositor side, new completers in phosh-osk-stub, configurable ring tones and more.

Check out the full release notes at


Thank you to @bragefuglseth and the folks in the App Icon Design team ( ) for help designing a new icon for Phosh Antispam!

We are looking to possibly rename the app, so if you have ideas, they are welcome!

Ever since doing the initial completion support in 's osk-stub I wanted to add a generic "unix pipe" like completer. phosh-osk-stub would feed the program preedit on stdin and read the completions from the program's stdout.

That is there now and with that and some more changes I can use @zachdecook 's to do swipe like typing. To be clear: all the hard work is done by swipeGuess, phosh-osk-stub just piggy backs on it:

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