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phosh 0.22.0 is out 🚀📱 :

A bit later than usual but with more style improvements, better battery indicator and more:

Check out the full release notes at



Video is at 3 x speed as typing is fiddly with the camera over the phone 🙂 .

You need to enable completion in the debug panel as I need to fix some other edges before turning it on by default

MR is here:

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I'm really good at making typos so I revisited the text-completion support in 's osk-stub and added a completer based on the library and trained it with a German text from @gutenberg_org and was surprised how well that works. 1/2

Here is how to use Librem 5 or Librem 5 USA phone to authenticate Single Sign On for all your frequently used services. @agx writes about Kerberos authentication on the Librem 5📱

On saturday 19 and sunday 20 november 2022 we'll have a Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, Netherlands: join us and help getting Debian GNU/Linux 12/bookworm ready for release.
See . #debian #linux #freesoftware #bsp #tilburg

One can also set the "website" URL in twitters preferences to ones mastodon URL which then allows people to follow here easily by clicking on the link:

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Awesome to see lots of people move to .

Suggestion: Add the mammoth emoji (🦣) to your twitter name so people can see at a glance that you prefer over birdsite.

This allows people to join us here and unfollow on twitter to avoid seeing duplicate content.

Devices with notches and rounded corners using so far have to tweak CSS to move the clock out of center ( I've experimented with a GSetting to just move the whole panel down a bit:

I was shocked to find out that cl2vcs (a tool to map changelog entries to git commit) still uses 2 so I updated it to , fixed some things along the way and released version 0.0.5:

Here's how it longs like for multipath-tools:

The app still looks like from the 80s but the MR for the GTK4 switch is out too so we can switch to 's widget for prefs, etc.

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...and via the Librem5's smartcard reader is working too now so I can have single-sign-on again without having to save a password.

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krb5-auth-dialog is a small app to get you a ticket (either via password or pkinit). Version 43.0 now mostly fits on small screens so it becomes usable on phones as well:

Being able to grab 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 2E 0D 0A from a pad of an unpopulated resistor on the devkit's SOM using a logic analyzer set to UART protocol just made me ☺️ .

git-buildpackage 0.9.29 is out

and landed in Debian and on . Changes are mostly to fix build issues in sid due to changes in dependencies but there's also some simplification for tracking upstream git and configuring pbuilder.

phosh 0.21.1 is out 🚀📱 :

A new minor release: mostly to catch up with calls 43 and glib 2.74.0 but there are more fixes and lots of translation updates too.

Check out the full release notes at


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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml