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#DebConf20 is upon us: How to attend, Lightning Talks, Impress Improv, and Cheese and Wine at home

#DebConf20 online starts today at 10h00 UTC - follow the schedule and watch the live streams at

The 's LCD panel driver just got applied to drm-misc-next: so the side of the display stack is mostly in place now 😓

Should you ever need a DisplayPort reference for NXPs imx8mq: here's a hardware mod for the Devkit to switch it from to : (based on schematic by Bernhard Fink in NXPs forums).

If you didn't port your app to libhandy 1, now is the best time. We even have a migration guide to help you!

If you ported to a libhandy 1 alpha, I also strongly recommend you to update to 0.90 as you are guaranteed you won't have to change a thing after.

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@molson pre-order is the best way to support the development. If that's too expensive then ( subscription according to a previous toot from @agx

This extensive and thoughtful post by a member of the community does a good job of explaining the past and present mobile Linux ecosystem and why Purism's approach with phosh makes strategic sense long-term.

#phosh 0.4.3 is out and it is great to see the stuff our @devrtz has been contributing included in the release. This lays the foundations for volume keys to be working. The release is now available in #Mobian. @purism @agx

0.4.3 is out 🚀 :

This release contains the shell side of volume (and other media) button support by @devrtz and notifications timestamps (by Lugsole) - so you know *when* you missed a call. i18n improved too.


Elegantt – generate Gantt charts from your #OrgMode agendas.

It boggles the mind. 🤯

0.4.2 is out 🚀 :

A rather small release this time adding a restart action, catching up on translations and initial LED support with new enough .

Import VCard contatcs into gnome-contacts until it can do that by itself (

syncevolution --import ~purism/Downloads/foo.vcf backend=evolution-contacts database=Personal

0.4.1 is out 🚀 :

New quick setting, improvements/fixes for the other quick settings, simplify background loading, be more async overall and other fixes

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