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Ich sitze seit Minuten vor diesem Screenshot, und mir fällt einfach kein guter Kommentar dazu ein. Also hier bitteschön, ohne Worte.

Aand another piece of hardware that can now be configured with open source utilities :D

@eliasr @purism Talk slides from "Logs and backtraces: How to provide meaningful problem reports" are now linked from the talk page:

Emacs 29.1 can be built in the PGTK or "pure GTK" configuration -- which doesn't sound that interesting until you realize that:

1) This means you can run Emacs natively under Wayland

2) Emacs looks much more visually consistent on a modern system than it used to

and, most importantly for me,

3) You can now seamlessly use your system language input methods, so, for instance, I can easily type Japanese in Emacs now.

This is a big step in modernizing #emacs .

@eliasr @purism Yes, FrOScon is worth a visit and we plan another devroom next year! I'll put the slides online tomorrow.

@eliasr @purism the mobile dev room has no video recordings, sorry.

@socksinspace @linmob

See - this was really cool!
(and feel a litlle humbled to see it uses as compositor)

/cc @affe_null

@laalsaas @devrtz we had almost 20 people at the get together. Thank you all for joining.

I love the unique warm, almost analog look of the Librem 5 camera!

The image processor is still a work in progress but I would love it to retain that look in a way or another.

I got #bananui 🍌 , the GUI for #LinuxMobile on feature phones, to work together with #wroomd on a #Nokia2780 with #postmarketOS. It's now almost possible to use it as an actual phone! 📞

UI source code:

WIP pmaports fork: (currently missing audio for voice calls and kernel packaging)

If you didn't have time today to visit the #MobileLinux #devroom at #FrOSCon today, maybe you can make it tomorrow!

None of the program will be streamed, so come by live and in colour (:

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml