Guido is about to take you into the world of logs and backtraces to make debugging on mobile Linux approachable at this Sunday!

@purism is there a video recording from Guido's talk? @agx
The topic is super interesting, I would really like to see it 🙂

@eliasr @purism the mobile dev room has no video recordings, sorry.

@agx okay, that's a shame. I guess I will have to get there in person next time! @purism


@eliasr @purism Yes, FrOScon is worth a visit and we plan another devroom next year! I'll put the slides online tomorrow.

@eliasr @purism Talk slides from "Logs and backtraces: How to provide meaningful problem reports" are now linked from the talk page:

@agx @eliasr

Looks like you all had a blast at and from everything that we hear the devroom was a huge success!

Thanks for helping to make it happen
and we very much look forward to next year!

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