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Simplifying audio device selection in (which also needs a tweak in to get nice icons on too):

@linmob Congratulations. I enjoy reading it every week!

Mit einer Freie-Software-Office- und Kollaborations-Suite für Behörden will die Bundesregierung den Zielen des Koalitionsvertrags näher kommen. Doch ein genauerer Blick auf das Projekt wirft Fragen auf.

#PublicCode #FreeSoftware

Biggest downside of running on my phone and laptop: you sometimes try to swipe away notifications on the laptop although it's not a touchscreen 😜 - just happened again .

@okennedy yeah, as @devrtz says: they were around all along and can be enabled via - it'd wait for 0.29.0 though as the lack of an animation could make the switching a bit surprising

@eliasr It was uploaded to octarine for early testing at release day ( . The PureOS archive restructure makes tickling down to Byzantium a bit slower.

The transition between the normal and HC theme is now supported by an animation making it less surprising (video is at 2 x speed):

3️⃣ /3️⃣

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@devrtz added a sensor panel to mobile-settings that allows you to enable automatic HC and tweak the threshold at which ambient light intensity it kicks in:

2️⃣ /3️⃣

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It's summer on the northern hemisphere again 😎 so 's automatic high contrast mode got two updates that are already merged and hence will very likely be in 0.29.0:

1️⃣ /3️⃣

@manut Maybe the display section in phoc.ini didn't match? Try `wlr-randr` in a terminal. This is how the output looks at scale 0.5:

@mobian 📱 Congratulations! 🤩 Very happy to see shipped as default in a stable Mobian release.

It's time for the final pre-flight checks on all our supporting infrastructure, and then bookworm will begin arriving on a mirror near you! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian

Debian's image building server has 88 CPUs along with 384GB of fast RAM and over 8TB SSD storage. Even so, each DVD-sized image takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and 20 are done at a time in parallel #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian #Debian12

@dos Here's he link to the announcement from the PureOS team: which also has information for those still using amber

@craftyguy @joao Interesting. That's basically what happens with this MR atm.

@joao optional features (battery percentage, date, ...) are ignored for the calculation - there's not enough space (there isn't even enough space without a notch). There's also the language indicatore for example and the two kill switches.

Landscape: we don't clamp the space on purpose yet. That's a job for the compositor and we want some wayland protocol for that so it's a different topic.

And this is how it looks on a device with notch. Also enabled PHOC_DEBUG=cutouts so phoc renders the bounding box of these.

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