Some progress to handle notches / cutouts of #linuxmobile phones better in #phosh : I have a small lib that gets panel cutout / notch information as #svg paths and can calculate a bounding box . #phoc can use it to render cutouts for debugging and #phosh can use it for layout (so far only to shift the panel down). (see follow up posts for more pictures).
1️⃣ /4️⃣
phosh using that information to push the top panel down because there's a (simulated) notch:
3️⃣ /4️⃣
And this is how it looks on a device with notch. Also enabled PHOC_DEBUG=cutouts so phoc renders the bounding box of these.
@joao optional features (battery percentage, date, ...) are ignored for the calculation - there's not enough space (there isn't even enough space without a notch). There's also the language indicatore for example and the two kill switches.
Landscape: we don't clamp the space on purpose yet. That's a job for the compositor and we want some wayland protocol for that so it's a different topic.