If you're interested in GNOME Mobile development, adaptive apps, and the future of the GNOME platform join our virtual Q&A later this week!
We'll have many of the core people behind various pieces of the stack, including @agx, @KekunPlazas, @exalm, @dos, and myself.
Thursday, July 29
14:00 UTC
Libadwaita 1.0.0-alpha.2 is out!
It comes with a brand new flat and stylesheet whose accent color is settable by the app devs! 🌈
See our alpha.1→alpha.2 guide: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/main/migrating-between-development-versions.html
Or start porting from GTK 3 and libhandy: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/main/migrating-libhandy-1-4-to-libadwaita.html
Debian bullseye reaches final milestone and is now fully frozen! https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2021/07/msg00002.html
@linmob Just noticed that you already mention X-KDE-FormFactor - sorry for the noise.
GNOME 41 kündigt sich an
I wrote something about how you can (ab)use the #Phosh 0.12 "mobile app drawer" feature: https://linmob.net/phosh-0-12-app-drawer/
#LinuxPhones #PinePhone #Librem5
@linmob Oh, I've also worked on a MR that makes the information in the desktop file superfluous by using more specific information from the metainfo XML: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/merge_requests/858 - that's not yet finished though but will allow more specific filtering for e.g. tablets or TVs.
(we'll keep parsing of the existing tags though for backward compatibility)
@linmob thanks for the summary! Two things that might be interesting: You can turn off the feature completely via `gsettings set sm.puri.phosh app-filter-mode '[]'` and we also look at `X-KDE-FormFactor` so KDE apps can catch up with a KDE specific setting.
@carlosgonz@mastodon.social you can try https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.sigxcpu.Livi
osk-sdl will soon be able to show a better UI when a physical keyboard is connected, e.g. if running on a laptop or on a phone that is connected to a dock.
here's a quick demo of it on the #Librem5 with #postmarketOS!
phosh 0.12.1 is out 🚀 : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/-/releases/v0.12.1
This mostly brings the bug fixes by @dos and yours truly into a release, updates translations and also no longer claims the accelerometer when automatic rotation is off (making iio-sensor-proxy sleep a lot more, helps 🔋) .
@merge summarized #librem5 mainlining progress for Linux 5.13: https://puri.sm/posts/purism-and-linux-5-13/
Hi all, Geary is looking for a co-maintainer!
@mjog doesn't have enough time to to do it all by themselves any more, and so is looking for a hand in taking care of day-to-day tasks such as bug triaging and fixing, and working on improving the front-end side of the app in particular.
If you're interested, take a look at the issue tracker, and pitch on in!
If you have any questions, please thread them below or get in touch with @mjog 👇