@dimitrisk ( @silence is an app for encrypting SMS's, so the wake up would be handled by the modem, which would work fine on a PinePhone)
@dimitrisk you should port https://silence.im to Linux Mobile. Could even run it in SXMO in sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh so the messages would be encrypted-at-rest.
Ever since doing the initial completion support in #phosh 's osk-stub I wanted to add a generic "unix pipe" like completer. phosh-osk-stub would feed the program preedit on stdin and read the completions from the program's stdout.
That is there now and with that and some more changes I can use @zachdecook 's #swipeGuess to do swipe like typing. To be clear: all the hard work is done by swipeGuess, phosh-osk-stub just piggy backs on it:
@m1m0md Alpine Linux on laptop and postmarketOS (which is Alpine-based) on phone.
@interfluidity is it a meme to say we live in a republic, not a democracy?
The tyranny of the majority is still real, even if they feel legitimized by a better voting system.
@kim_harding @mike 👍 normies just want something that works and they can buy it today at a retail store. Shopping for free-software computers online or installing a different OS are just *not* things taught in a "How to use MS office" computer class.
@martijnbraam the missing capacitor?
@zudn If you're talking editing software, #Shotcut https://shotcut.org/ has served me well (the interface reminds me of the 2004-era iMovie)
@darius @mcc Not android, but still swipey: https://sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeKeyboard/sources
@hamblingreen or for $40 more, a used #OnePlus6 on ebay? https://www.ebay.com/itm/145030986570
@ariadne My iPod touch can't browse much of the internet due to never-to-be-updated certificates...
@JustineSmithies@fosstodon.org And I'm the swipe-typing guy, so sb_predictor.sh from https://sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeKeyboard/sources
@JustineSmithies@fosstodon.org music: playerctl and the mpris plugins for your player are a must.
email: aerc
messaging: dino (XMPP), compiled with notifications sound and (draft)ringing plugins
some cron jobs:
0 8 * * * sxmo_rtcwake.sh touch /home/user/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.nosuspend
0 10 * * * light -S 50
* 20 * * * light -U 1
0 20 * * * rm /home/user/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.nosuspend
@dthompson are you planning to open-source your algorithm?
An opened source is the only way we can verify that things are done fairly.
@brucelawson MVP css (https://andybrewer.github.io/mvp/) is a good bare-bones framework for making a decent-looking site from scratch. <figure><img> would give you your "big image at the top".
Accessibility is just based on what HTML you feed it.
@mahmoudajawad @tuxdevices "Why not the PPP?" :
I think I just wanted to try an SDM-845 device. It also didn't hurt that it was a couple hundred dollars cheaper (excellent condition refurb). If someone sent me a PPP, I'd gladly try it out tho ;)
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.