@hamblingreen or for $40 more, a used #OnePlus6 on ebay? https://www.ebay.com/itm/145030986570
@hamblingreen @zachdecook There's no hardware support for USB-C video out on the 6/6T - of the well supported Snapdragon 845 devices, only the Shift6mq has the hardware for that.
You could go the DisplayLink route or build your own DisplayLink-replacement with Waypipe on a SBC, but the hardware support is just not there.
@linmob @zachdecook thanks for the info, i had a feeling i'd heard somewhere that the oneplus 6 didn't have hardware supuort for video out. i love using convergence so i think i'll probably stick with the pinephone pro, but i can't make up my mind whether to make that purchase yet :/
@zachdecook thanks for the link! i've been following linux on the oneplus 6 via linmob's updates, and it sure has come a long way. quick question about the device, do you know if the oneplus supports video out via the usb-c port? considering how much i use the nexdock, that might be a deal breaker if hardware support isn't there