@jameschip Estate/death taxes are crazy, but is it true that this lady about two years ago used a loophole to get around the tax and give 100% of her estate including multiple castles to her 73-year-old son?
@dylnuge "We have two frontend devs, a CEO, CFO, and marketing department, we just need someone who can make the product that we told investors we already have"
@craftyguy a neat trick is to install both sudo and doas
@kline My ISP randomly stopped giving me an IPv6 address a couple weeks ago.
@Jagahati KeePass database synced over nextcloud. Can be accessed by KeePassXC (power-user cross-platform app), KeePassDX (android), gnome-passwordsafe aka secrets (mobile), or in the browser with a nextcloud webapp.
@prosodyim @zash Is there also a way to reset passwords via invitation uri?
I've been experimenting with @agx 's phosh-osk-keyboard , and hacked together a script to automatically change the shortcuts based on the window titles. #mobilelinux #hymo
@badrihippo @agx technically the wordlist the makefile creates is not perfectly optimized for p-o-s or wvkbd (>= 0.14) because the bottom row is not staggered. (changes needed for mapScore). But right now, the two should work the same... aside from p-o-s reacting to text-input-unstable hints.
@badrihippo @agx But as far as I know, the android open-source keyboards with swiping either don't work, or require a proprietary binary dependency, so I'm very happy we at least have something that makes typing more convenient. The proprietary ones lean (sometimes too heavily) on context for prediction, which at this state we haven't factored into the selection.
@badrihippo @agx I've been mulling over an idea in my head for better accuracy: run swipeGuess multiple times with various letter hitbox sizes (matches from the run with the smallest hitbox are preferred). Would require deeper integration with the host keyboard than we currently have.
@badrihippo @agx
I usually get 'hey' for hey swipes, but sometimes hwy/hgwy. Enable multiple suggestions, and maybe cull some words from your list.
gsettings set sm.puri.phosh.osk.Completers.Pipe command 'sh -c "swipeGuess /path/to/words-qwerty-en_gb 5 | tr \"\t\" \"\n\""'
Seems some of phosh's features could use some marketing 😃 . Anyway: I've just added how to use swipeGuess in the manpage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/162/diffs#735044ffff1f81fc8d896219ab2f1b22d6d09976_268_286
@anjan For future work, sj https://github.com/younix/sj has a lot of the desired XMPP features for texting... but missing OMEMO still
Here's some sample code:
pointer, "{\"pageHeight\": 50000, \"adjustPageHeight\": true, \"breaks\": \"smart\"}"
and bonus points if you make it play the generated midi.
@lofenyy App to render music files using verovio.
@lunduke The ideal solution is that RedoxOS becomes a great OS, sucks in a lot of eager developers, and they chillax the effort to force Rust on Linux maintainers.
After 20 years, when Rust is more palatable to the Linux maintainers, they can port in all the high quality permissively licensed drivers the Redox folks have made.
@68000 Don't buy a TV next time, buy a "digital signage display" (aka TV without the smart stuff)
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.