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The avatar in Geary nightly are now `HdyAvatar` 🎉

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Here comes libadwaita! Read about our plans to make GNOME apps and GTK 4 even better, and about the future of libhandy:

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omg. OMG. **OMG!!!**

Okay I know this sounds like nonsense but oh my god! Captp + handoffs on three *independent* peers over tor onion services, with everyone chatting over goblin-chat!

Each user has their own address on the p2p network! *No* central server!

This is HUGE!

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Kindness in the wild

This monkey was stranded on the way wrong side of the river for days, this elephant saw how this monkey was in distraught after the floods in South Africa, this elephant gave this monkey a ride to the other side where the family was still waiting.

📸 Frail Polo

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The Internet is About to Get A Lot Safer

On April 5, P2PB2B plans to list MaidSafeCoin. Trading for MAID will begin just as #MaidSafe prepares to launch the public shared testnet that demonstrates the remaining technical features necessary to prove the Safe Network’s viability.

The world’s first autonomous data network, The Safe Network is both a #decentralized internet and dApp platform.


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Tomek boosted

The thirty-ninth edition of my weekly collection of Linux Phone news (@PINE64 #PinePhone, @purism #Librem5 and such), #LinBits, is out!

New #DanctNIX and #Fedora image releases,#GNOME40 on the #PinePhone, #PureOS Byzantium and more!

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Tomek boosted


aka mode works fine on both for light tasks. But what is "light"? This is where they differ.

(left) smoothly plays two videos simultaneously (one of which is 60 fps), whereas is struggling with single 30 fps video.

Why? Librem 5 has 30% faster CPU clock speed, 140% faster RAM standard, roughly double the GPU performance. More details:

Can Librem 5 run Flutter linux desktop apps? Yep! I was able to successfully build and run my BodySculpting weightlifting workout app today on Librem 5 itself. Code once, build for Android, iOS, and Libremt5, how cool is that!

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I owe my livelihood to Free Software. If it weren't for freedom-respecting code and open documentation i would not have been able to learn what i have. Thank you very much, people! I hope i can contribute back in kind.

The more our lives are influenced by technology, the more important Free Software becomes.

Tomek boosted

0.8.0 is out 🚀 :

Changing output resolutions and scaling via GNOME Settings should now mostly work, system modal dialogs don't pop up on the lock screen anymore plus more fixes and i18n improvements. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!


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Tomek boosted

While we had enabled power saving for the vivante gpu on the since some time we couldn't power off the corresponding regulator (power supply) since the phone would hang then. Turns out we just didn't give it enough time to come back up. Fix is already merged into linux-next:

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I've put together a short overview on and closely related components and how they play together:

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GTK 4.0 is here! After four years of hard work from our dedicated developers, GTK 4.0 was released today. Some highlights from this release include media playback, drag-and-drop, and scalable lists and grids. Learn more about what's new in GTK 4.0:

#GTK #opensource #FOSS #release

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0.7.0 is out 🚀 :

This features automatic media mounting, initial support for background XML, handling of per app `show-banners` notification setting and fixes for swipe window closing by


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It looks like a red rectangle... But it is a red rectangle that took me a whole day to program because I had to figure out how to plot something with Cairo inside of a GTK Box element that is not visible at the time of creating the plot... But now I understand how Cairo works 😅 I furthermore added my own formulas for calculating the position of the sun and the formulas for calculating the position of the milky way are now working correctly.

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Hand Drawn 2D Animation with PureOS and Librem Laptops

"Professional animation is not just possible but ideal with free software, this story shares what is possible running PureOS, Librem laptops, and accessories."

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@purism While fixing related issues in , and the kernel for the I wanted things to be more automatic. So can now enable a 'docked' mode on screen plug: windows become moveable automatically (and get their close button back), gets disabled and there's a quick setting that lets you toggle that too:

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml