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petrisch boosted

Does anyone here use #neogit for #neovim ?

Is it worth me switching from a really nice and fast workflow with #fugitive ?

petrisch boosted

Wow political add today: "we only are responsible for 0.1% of co2 emissions world wide"
Lets see, 'we' means swiss, which are around 10M, we are at around 10B people ww, so we are producing 10x the average? *deep breath* ... f** ...silently breathing...

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

Dear following

Since the new Sandbox of the Swiss E-ID is now online it would be a good time to find some capable Blockchain destroyers and take it down so they learn not to put this stuff on the #blockchain

Who knows somebody that can checkout

and help us de blockchain our future passports?

:BoostOK: :ReplyOK:

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

if you too want the smOOOth with a capital 0 experience (at the cost of literally all of your battery life) slap the above config in /etc/hdm/config.d/ and restart the hkdm service (only? on #postmarketOS )

for an extra boost (hahaha) you can

exho 1 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost

sdm845 only i think, at least the cpu number in the config would need to be adjusted for PP(P)


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petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

Hello Fediverse! 👋

#Wikipedia :wikipedia: is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and using a wiki-based editing system called MediaWiki. -- or so says our Wikipedia article (

Follow for cool facts, behind-the-scenes details on editing processes and tips on getting started contributing!

#Introduction #FreeCulture #FreeContent #OpenKnowledge #wiki #CreativeCommons

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

And finally: This all IMHO. My personal frustration. The web wasn't created to be an invasive data collection engine in the hands of a few. It became what it is for many reasons. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Do your little part. Create static pages whenever that's sufficient. Resist including external scripts/tracker stuff. We can return to a #BetterWeb :) Yes, I am that optimistic!

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petrisch boosted

Completely forget: I've tagged version 0.0.3 of μPlayer (a small video player using and targeting fullscreen landscape playback on mobile phones) the other day:

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

Loupe 44.0 is out on Flathub! This is an initial release so we can get some feedback on the application and now it works for real users. Some features aren't fully complete yet, but it should be perfectly usable as an image viewer.

Huge thanks to @sophie for all the work she's done to get this app ready for release. If you want to support her, you can support her project on OpenCollective:

Get the app:

petrisch boosted

I'm stoked that two of the big things on my list for #Nushell are getting crossed off:

1) pattern matching shipped today:

2) ide support is landing into main soon.

We've talked about both of these for years. Having them makes Nushell feel all that much more complete.

petrisch boosted

phosh 0.26.0 is out 🚀📱:

Lots of this release was internal rewiring and test suite improvements for upcoming changes but there's some more:

Check out the full release notes at


Does anybody know a special restaurant in ? Maybe something aside from the usual 10 best tripadvisor stuff. ☺🍕🍝

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