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@larsmb you could for once try one of the dists like lazyvim. Just set NVIM_APPNAME and see if its solved there.
@kdwarn Very cool project indeed. If I hadn't started my own thing, I guess I would have adopted it by now.
Its quite similar in style.
@jan Actually I do. I don't want it for free.
@cas yes ollama would be the first comming to mind. I have tried a couple times and yet failed. You can build a RAG with it, hence make it understand your own code. The problem i had so far is, that its either to slow (bigger models) or too bad (little models). But i think it could be done, maybe i haven't found the right combination.
@ashwinvis @maltimore I am on a windows netshare with a repo of 9000+ macros files. Fzf handles that while telescope not. But it didn't need to be default for me neither.
@sustainrelease kenn ich mich nicht so aus, aber eigentlich ist alles aus dem playstore installierbar sofern es eben mit MicroG oder wi dat heisst läuft. Also nicht von den G- Services direkt abhängig ist.
@sustainrelease Apps aus dem Playstore gibts sehr viele. Da hat mir nix gefehlt.
Aber halt kein googlemaps etc...
@sustainrelease kann ich auch bestätigen. Der Umstieg von Google/Android zu Murena war keine grosse Sache. Es sei denn du brauchst die Google Dienste. Dann muste das zuerst loswerde...
If @postmarketOS once needs a new theme song. Just heard on the radio: "Mainline" by the groove divinities. Could'nt find much about them and probably not public domain, but would be a perfect fit :-)
@mathias absolutely agree. I would even go further in this case, that no company can give such a longterm liability by any means. Its the wrong construct.
@Blort cool, well i wouldn't even know what to ask in design. What is the complementary color of orange, and if so, how many :-D
@mathias No lawyer either. I see price-anderson goes in the direction I was thinking about. Because TEPCO is a state owned company anyway right? No mather what, there is no company paying here. And Fukushima was built in the sixties. In a liberal state where everything is supposed to be in private hands thats a very long time. Usually private companies should be able to go out of business. So are they building approvable reserves like banks do nowadays? Anyways the consequences can be so big...
@mathias What do you even mean by "100% liable" in this context? For what and how long?
@Blort -5 of course sorry
@Blort Then you would normaly differentiate the equation, which gives y=6x-30.
Then the lowest point would be x=5
@Blort is that the lowest point?
@Blort vertexis what? No english native here :-)
@Blort Beeing urgent its maybe too late, but by intersection you mean, where does the parabol cross the y axis right? That should be easy, because which x's give you a y of 0? 4 and 6 right?
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