Spring time is the time to take out the camera and check if there are already some nice flowers searching for sun. Yet to figure out the names of these, but a good opportunity to take the #librem5 for a ride.
@fribbledom @vimja
To the swiss german community out there.
I just opend a merge request on the purism squeekboard for a swiss german layout. I didn't do much actually, so feel free to comment, adjust discuss or share.
I nime itz mau ah dir chöit irgendwas wo tönt wi Schitzerdütsch :-D
#librem5 #squeekboard #chuchichästli #mobian #pinephone
#threema sounds interesting.
Wishlist: Fork for #pinephone and #librem5
FOSS enthusiast
Table tennis coach and player
ex. Mechanical engineer at some company doing some IT lately.
More here: https://petrisch.codeberg.page