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petrisch boosted

#BlenderBIM can now do construction documentation, clash detection, and proxy materials and objects. We can do commercial projects completely without any proprietary software. Version controlled with Git. 100% free and open source pipeline to build buildings.

See all the latest updates now:

This. This changes things. A lot.

Go #opensource. Go #OpenBIM. Quit #Revit. Quit #Autodesk.


petrisch boosted

I mean, seriously, how many places out there have engineers who develop an M.2 breakout board to debug their phone and then release the schematics so you can make one for your own phone? It's basically Hogwarts over here @purism -- I'm surrounded by wizards.

petrisch boosted

Are you involved in #architecture #engineering or #construction? I'd like to propose the creation of an #opensource buildingSMART chapter, to help represent FOSS devs to help increase transparency and ethical behaviour in the built environment.

#bim #openbim #blender #freecad

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

We are living in an age where everything from clothing to furniture to technology is cheap and disposable. The assumption is that nothing lasts, so one might as well buy the cheapest thing and throw it away when it inevitably breaks. Nowhere is this more true than the phone market, but it's something we want to change with the Librem 5.

petrisch boosted

#BlenderBIM now has experimental direct from IFC clash detection. 100% open-source pipelines, here we come. Can be run headlessly on your open source build server, Git commit-hook, or literally anything you want.

Go #opensource. Go #openbim. Quit #revit. Quit #autodesk.

petrisch boosted

#BlenderBIM now allows you to choose geometric representation contexts and subcontexts to export. Not aware of any proprietary BIM programs which let you do this. #blender

Go #opensource. Go #openbim. Quit #revit. Quit #autodesk.

petrisch boosted

That's forgetting cost for the greater hardware security, e.g. the security gained by having the telephony chip separate from the SOC so it can't access your CPU's RAM, and the high cost of tbe software development to improve the kernel, the drivers, the toolkits, the apps, etc. that will benefit everybody. If you prefer to not help developing the software ecosystem financialy it's fine, you have another option, but why insulting us for working on that?
@purism @matrix @bart @PINE64

petrisch boosted

@epifn Oh yeah everybody has it's preferences. I can definitely see the appeal of having a read-only file system and stuff, I just don't want it myself 😉

The plan is to have it viable as a daily driver sooner than a few years though, hopefully somewhere next year even!

petrisch boosted

Just received my PinePhone developer edition 🎉 Damn I'm excited!

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

We promised to publish the hardware schematics when the shipped and we delivered: Hardware Schematics and X-ray Scans for Librem 5 Birch

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

@duncan_lithgow @petrisch @yorik Also, worth mentioning that some parametric support is coming such as arrays in IFC. This is because roads and infra projects really need that feature.

petrisch boosted

@duncan_lithgow @petrisch yes, currently IFC does not support parametric relationships very well. However, this is a relatively simple fix. First, supply both native and IFC , where native is FOSS like Blender or FreeCAD, and then establish an unofficial pset to hold parametric data which Blender and FreeCAD supports. Later when parametrics come into the spec, we swap the pset out.

petrisch boosted

@petrisch @duncan_lithgow We actually already have Git working as a "BIM server" or CDE on a small scale with the OpeningDesign arch studio :) This is completely decentralised!

With Git LFS, I believe this can be scaled, and I am actively trying this out.

petrisch boosted

Archipack now supports splitting and merging walls!

This is an incredibly important feature for #OpenBIM - people split and merge walls every day!

#opensource #bim #blender

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