How do you fund free software sustainably? In this post I talk about some of the main approaches, the problems with some funding models, and specifically how (and why) Purism takes the approach we do.
"the hackers did not appear to have reached a Sinclair system called "the master control," allowing Sinclair to replace local feeds with a national one." The proof is that there were no surprise broadcasts of The Outer Limits this weekend. #hacktheplanet
While they aren't as pretty as Burroughs adding machines, Comptometers are *fast* and functional (you can calculate square roots on them!) and are my favorite from this era. There's a reason they stuck around with only minor tweaks until the age of electronic calculators.
This red button is part of the control key mechanism. Operators touch-typed, and partial key presses would increment the register only partway. If you press a key part-way down, all other columns lock until you go back and fix that column and press the red button to clear.
To clear the register, pull the lever back then forward. It makes a satisfying noise when the register clears or carries. This was designed for mostly one-handed operation and future revisions just require you to pull the lever forward to clear.
You do division w/ repeated subtraction using small digits (minus one!) starting from the left, shifting right when leftmost digit in dividend is 0. You don't use the front switch so that carried digits form the quotient in the register. Here is 145 / 12 = 12 remainder 1.
Multiplication is easy and fast. Just do repeated addition for the first digit in the multiplier and shift left until each digit is accounted for. Here is 768 x 1024.
To subtract, use the small digits on the keys instead of the large, subtract one from the subtrahend, and hold down the correct switch in the front to prevent the one from carrying. To do 31342 - 42, I press 41 in small digits (58 in large digits) while holding the front switch.
Like with other Comptometers, you just press corresponding keys to add. Trained Comptometer operators performed calculations by feel (odd keys were concave, even were flat) and mostly one-handed so their eyes and left hand could stay on the sheet of figures. Here's 31337 + 5.
Improvements for those of us who run #phosh daily on their #librem5:
- the media player allows to skip in songs/podcasts (by @ollieparanoid)
- headphones show a different icon
- music player gets muted on headphone unplug
The server's anti-virus wasn't up to date...
Eventually John Conner will drop from the future into that street. That much is known, the machines just don't know exactly when.
We are testing out a new experimental feature in PureBoot to extend tamper detection past /boot into the root disk. I write about the feature and my thought process behind developing it here:
"I'm really into mechanical calculators and also security. A mechanical cipher machine would be really cool to add to the collection." Then I saw the going rates for vintage WWII cipher machines... #nope #toorichformyblood
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.