The college #SmashBros club I'm in got the first clip!
I got top 8 at my college's monthly #SmashBros tourney! I've been competing for two years, and it is amazing to see all the practice begin to pay off. I'm Golemwire, down there. #SSBU #esports
#SSBU So I've been practicing Sheik a lot lately. I generally don't like playing online, but I decided to go back online and play some and I feel like I'm getting better -- using more Sheik tech, having more toe-to-toe matches and holding my own a lot better -- but I'm only like at about 6mil -ish GSP. (We're not gonna even mention that my Ganondorf is above 7mil...)
Check it out. The best #SmashBros player at our #SSBU club was on #YeetSmash again. Clip 2!
Taking a game by using a recovery move downwards to kill off the bottom of the stage... gutsy. (Carguy, Sephiroth)
Easily my favorite #SmashBros set ever.
On stream again, for the last Smash Bros Ultimate tourney of this college semester! I got 13th out of 22 this time — my best so far!
The last set of the tourney was really hype. We're probably going to be on Yeet Smash again :)
Had a 10-year old present this time. Not bad at all for his age, actually. InarenCommander's little bro 😄
#SmashBros #SSBU #gaming
Last Saturday there was another #SSBU competition at my college. It was pretty stacked, for us: one player, an alumni, even flew in to compete. (first set begins at minute 5)
And some cool #Twitch clips from the stream:
I wasn't on stream this time.
#SSBU competition at my college :)
There's a #SSBU #gaming club at my college. This past Saturday, we had a Squad Strike competition, and I had my first win on stream!
Lots of improvement from this mess from 10 months ago (particularly game 2):
Interesting... I was following the "labbing discussion" channel in the #SSBUSheik Discord server/guild, and watched this 0-to-death get developed:
Pretty neat. It uses a detached burst grenade, though, so that'll take some (extra) finesse.
I'm still pretty low-level at the game, but I managed to get one of the characters I play in #SmashBros, Mega Man, to 9 million GSP. It ain't much, but I'm pleased about it 🙃
Wow... that first set was art.
I was playing a lot more #SmashBros online quickplay today, and I'm wondering:
If someone is being rude/toxic/a bad sport/whatever to you in an #SSBU match online, what do you think you should do back?
Don't you like it when someone in Smash Bros's online quickplay is being toxic and you just, you know, run them over a little bit? 😉
I declined a rematch.
I thought this was a nice simple overview of the recently discovered broken #SSBU_Steve tech.
And we thought Steve was bad enough as he was....
Maybe #Nintendo will fix this; they're not releasing any more balance patches, but this is a #bug, right?
So my #SSBU Sheik #amiibo figure player did fairly well. I had done research on how to train FPs and learned about Ultimate's (theoretical, anyway) mechanics for training FPs.
Supposedly, when you KO your FP with a move it has, or it gets KO'd with that move, that move's "slider" goes up (meaning that your FP uses it more). And when it gets dealt damage with a move it has, or it deals damage with a move it has, the slider goes up a little.
Going to try doing an #SSBU #amiibo tourney tomorrow. The one amiibo I own (thanks to my sister for that!) is the #SSBU_Sheik one, which I recently found out is one of the worst ones... but eh that's fine 🤷♂️
Hello there!
I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.
I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/
#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda
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