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It would be very interesting to hear from some folks what they think about parallel chains (connected via "tickets" as outlined in my paper or some other way) as a way to increase transaction rates to handle Visa/Mastecard level of transaction volumes, ping @Monerotopia @MoneroTalk @hyc @vinibarbosa

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I just wrote this paper:

"Ticket-based multi-strand method for increased efficiency in proof-of-work based blockchains":

What do you think?

"Mobile-zombie-free zone" sign spotted at a playground in in recently.

Ironically that made me pick up my own phone to take this photo, acting like another of those infamous zombies. In my defense I did not actually enter the playground, so strictly speaking I did not violate the sanctity of the mobile-zombie-free zone. Also, the phone ( yay!) was back in pocket directly without further zombie-like behaviour. 🙂

Elias boosted
Elias boosted

Matrix certrainly has its rough edges, but I find it awesome that pretty much every major Linux community now has their dedicated space. All federated, of course.

#Matrix #Element #ElementWeb #Linux #ArchLinux #KDE #Plasma #GNOME #Debian #openSUSE #Fedora #LinuxMint #XApp #postmarketOS

Elias boosted

### GNU Taler

> We provide a payment system that makes privacy-friendly online transactions fast and easy.
> Payments without registration
> Data protection by default
> Fraud eliminated by design
> Not a new currency!
> Empowers communities to run their own payment infrastructure
> Free Software

#GNU #Taler #gnutaler #payments

Elias boosted

Reminder: instead of using StackOverflow for your questions about GTK and the GNOME software stack, use the GNOME Discourse instance:

You can also use it for applications and the overall GNOME desktop.

#gtk #gnome #development

The sign says, literally, "The bushes die if your dog pees on them" (in Swedish).

near where I live in

Elias boosted

After spending *years* trying to get it submitted, my first own paper is finally published!

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted

American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau died #OTD in 1862.

In addition to "Walden," Thoreau is well-known for his essay "Civil Disobedience," which was inspired by his 1846 arrest for refusing to pay poll taxes as a protest against slavery and the Mexican-American War. His political writings later influenced many political leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Books by Henry David Thoreau at PG:

#books #literature

Elias boosted

It seems to have happened without much fanfare, but about a month ago @purism has released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start.

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Elias boosted

I remember how nervous I was when (in early 2020) I went to the post office with my 📱 to drop off a 📦 and present the barcode on the phone. (Having previously scp'ed the pdf to the phone to show it in evince).

Would the 🔋 last? Would it overheat? Would the display stack hold? It worked.

Nowadays I don't spend a thought: Fill in the data on my laptop, save the pdf, have it synced automatically via to 's ticket-box folder and show it at the counter. ✅

Elias boosted

Such an honor to meet the legendary Richard Stallman at #LibrePlanet2024 at Wentworth Institute! Engaging with a pioneer of the free software movement and discussing the future of digital rights was absolutely inspiring. @fsf #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #TechForGood

Elias boosted

Be careful with the "All or Nothing"
approach in regard to data privacy.

Absolutes can be misleading.

For example, it is not because it’s not possible to delete ALL traces of ALL your data that deleting at least the visible data isn’t worth it.

Reducing your digital traces, even when it is not completely erasing your digital traces, almost always offer some benefits to increase your privacy and security online.

Giving up however very rarely helps.


In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

My day so far:

Wrote a todo list

Then did a number of things that seemed important and urgent

Went back to the todo list to mark some things as done , only to find that none of the things I did so far were on the list 🙃

Elias boosted

I have a curated podcast feed of other people's podcast episodes that I really liked. You can subscribe to it like any other podcast feed. It's mostly podcasts in English, but sometimes Swedish too.

Feed link: a-blog-with.relevant-informati

Accompanying blog post: a-blog-with.relevant-informati

Elias boosted

Here's an (almost!) live view of the sticker swag available at the GNU Press table at LibrePlanet 2024.

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