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DanielTux boosted

#2276 "Self-Isolate" 

DanielTux boosted
@wolf480pl You're gonna hate this, but you loop the last octet.

10.255 =
10.256 =

So the answer to your question is 10.258
DanielTux boosted

It suddenly strikes me that 'trillion dollar tech companies not caring that their products turn into abandoned toxic info-waste pits - that customers are still locked into - after a couple of years' and 'trillion dollar oil companies pouring CO2 into the atmosphere' and 'trillion dollar soft drink companies pouring plastic into the sea' are basically all the same problem:

Companies are incentivised, by the economics of selling, not to care at all about the end-of-life story of their products.

DanielTux boosted

I've collected some hacks from our kernel team and tested the idle time on battery on my Librem 5 Birch - got almost exactly 6 hours while staying at 38°C the whole time. Not that long ago it struggled to reach 3h and stay under 60°C - and they're not done yet! :D

DanielTux boosted

@fabrixxm released an early version of Confy, an app to get organized when visiting conferences.

This looks very promising, keep up the good work Fabio, I'd love to use it at next @fosdem on my #librem5 !

DanielTux boosted

Hot take: the only good kind of ticket is the kind where the person who filed it is using it as a means of organizing the work they're planning on undertaking to fix it.

DanielTux boosted

@thibaultamartin desktop Firefox works quite well, we wrote a blog post about it which also includes a video comparing it to the GNOME web experience

DanielTux boosted


Corona prevention. I died with laughter. LOL

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@macst3r Sobald sich dieser Zwang nicht mehr umgehen lässt, werden wir definitiv kein Windows 10 mehr vorinstallieren.

DanielTux boosted

Proper error handling may be hard, but proper exception handling is nearly impossible.

DanielTux boosted

Wenn sich kritische Verbraucher mit der App Codecheck über Inhaltsstoffe von Kosmetik/Lebensmitteln informieren, vermarkten 24 eingebaute Tracker diese Informationen für verhaltensbasierte Werbung.

Verbraucher können einem heute nur noch leid tun.
(Via @kuketzblog)

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Another WIP feature - power users will appreciate this one ;) This is unmodified GNOME Maps. It wouldn't fit on the screen, but phoc can now automatically scale its window down to make it fit.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

It still needs a lot of work, but a proof of concept for window thumbnails in appears to work :) @purism

DanielTux boosted

One of the most powerful principles of and open hardware is the ability to audit and verify.

See the community maintained promise delivery chart to see how we are disrupting the duopoly

DanielTux boosted

Multiple GTK apps open in the same environment and all fitting nice in the screen.
Thank you

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