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#gmobile 0.2.0 is out 🚀 . This version adds the udev rules and first hwdb entries to mark keys and buttons as not unblanking the screen on press (like volume rockers or menu/back capacitive buttons).

phoc 0.39.0 will make use of this. We moved things into a library rather than phoc itself so other compositors can make use of it too.

#phosh #gnomemobile #udev #LinuxMobile

Disappointed to see The Markup share advice for people to use WhatsApp in its post about preparing your phone for a protest, and that it's coming from "digital security trainers."

Metadata literally kills, and WhatsApp is swimming in it. The metadata they collect includes:

Groups you're a member of, location, personal info (email, phone number, user IDs), contacts and their phone numbers, in-app search history, when you use the app & how often you use it. E2EE alone doesn't guarantee #privacy

It seems to have happened without much fanfare, but about a month ago @purism has released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start.

I remember how nervous I was when (in early 2020) I went to the post office with my 📱 to drop off a 📦 and present the barcode on the phone. (Having previously scp'ed the pdf to the phone to show it in evince).

Would the 🔋 last? Would it overheat? Would the display stack hold? It worked.

Nowadays I don't spend a thought: Fill in the data on my laptop, save the pdf, have it synced automatically via to 's ticket-box folder and show it at the counter. ✅

@arunmani recently added folder support to #phosh 🚀 . Here's a short demo:

Lately I’ve been really hooked to #balatro.
I found out it uses the #löve2d engine, and I remembered something about Löve games being unintentionally cross platform.

And here we are: Balatro running natively on #linuxmobile (OP6 + #postmarketos + #phosh )
To run:
* Copy Steam game files from other PC using manage/browse local files
* Install Löve `sudo apt install love`
* Run the game `love Balatro.exe`


I've tagged a new release of mobile-broadband-provider-info:

It has updated providers, support for mms attachment size and we switched the build system to meson.

Laptop died yesterday but thanks to the , the Baseus Dock, an HDMI Screen, a USB keyboard and 's docked mode I have access to most of the things via my phone.

helps a lot as that means I have my ssh keys available by just plugging it in.

Took me about 15min to notice that I didn't even plug a mouse in.

#AppStream 1.0.3 is out 😄
It mostly consists of bugfixes and a bunch of additions to the validator to make it catch even more issues in advance. "Plasma Mobile" is also a recognized desktop-style now.
#freedesktop #xdg


Very, very happy that our proposal for adding #cellbroadcast support to #ModemManager and #Phosh was accepted by @NGIZero : 🗼 〰️ 📱


Forgot to add: toggling always-on-top will also get a visual indication in an upcoming release (likely 0.39.0).

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Registration and the Call for Proposals are now open for DebConf24. This year's event will be held in Busan, Korea, and will offer Talks, Hacking sessions, activites, discussions, and of course a legendary cheese party! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debian

Exciting news on my blog! I’ve written about the latest improvements in the etnaviv GPU stack and how I am integrating a hardware database into Mesa to enhance driver development.

#etnaviv #mesa3d

If anyone in the #erlang community has been using the rich compiler error option in Rebar3 over the last year, I’m looking for any feedback or opposition before turning it on by default in the next release:

@arunmani @phosh A part 2 would be awesome! I will look into PhoshStatusPage. I've been wanting a quick toggle for scaling for a long time as it is useful when running more desktop focused applications. I might try making another quick setting for my TouchpadEmulator virtual mouse rather than relying on hardware buttons for it.

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml