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Elegantt – generate Gantt charts from your #OrgMode agendas.

It boggles the mind. 🤯

0.4.2 is out 🚀 :

A rather small release this time adding a restart action, catching up on translations and initial LED support with new enough .

Import VCard contatcs into gnome-contacts until it can do that by itself (

syncevolution --import ~purism/Downloads/foo.vcf backend=evolution-contacts database=Personal

0.4.1 is out 🚀 :

New quick setting, improvements/fixes for the other quick settings, simplify background loading, be more async overall and other fixes

0.4.0 is out 🚀 :

window preview thumbnails (@dos), more quicksettings ( and fixes in several areas. Check the changelog!


0.3.1 is out:

media-player widget, more haptic feedback, bug fixes, connectivity state indicator, development documentation usable via , more i18n. Thanks everyone who contributed to this release!


A quick hack to wire up the volume buttons in and so music listening becomes more of a breeze on @purism 's :

Our car radio does not do so after fixing up headphone detection in device tree and finishing 's mpris MediaPlayer2 interface i can now feed sound via a 3.5mm audio cable from my l5 to the car radio via and . Will show up on a near you soon.

libhandy 0.81.0 released, it is the second alpha to libhandy 1, and the 1st version to be available on GNOME's tarball repository:

It offers many tiny improvements over 0.80.0.

Reminder, we now follow the GNOME 3.38 dev schedule:

Missed call notifications coming to on the . With the persistent notifications in can use that to inform about missed calls:

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml