@Fu Interesting. Did you dock it to larger screen? What apps did you use? Most people I've met that use this with Android weren't very happy with the app situation where as on Linux with a distribution you have the adaptive ones as well as the ones for desktop that work very well in these situations (as they were built with that use case in mind).
The current state of Debian on smartphones https://peertube.debian.social/videos/watch/09f2b37b-9b1d-4e51-b130-273f2b768ffd
Our #DebConf23 presentation at #DebConf22 in Prizren, Kosovo.
@debian Thanks you very much for the great #debcamp and #debconf22 !
Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf22 possible! The DebConf organisation team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/23 and contact the DebConf team.
For my #debconf22 talk I've hacked up the great pdf-presenter-console to fit the phone screen and show my notes so I can see what's currently on the LCD for the audience: https://source.puri.sm/guido.gunther/pdfpc-mobile
@ScheduleBot I've put the slides at https://git.sigxcpu.org/cgit/talks/2022-07-dc22-debian-on-smartphones/plain/talk.pdf and the video is at https://saimei.ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/debian-meetings/2022/DebConf22/debconf22-231-the-current-state-of-debian-on-smartphones.lq.webm (thanks to the awesome video team at #debconf22).
"The current state of Debian on smartphones" by Guido Günther in Drini https://debconf22.debconf.org/talks/103-the-current-state-of-debian-on-smartphones/
@rpm @purism It plays for me in firefox and when downloading videos I usually use https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.sigxcpu.Livi
Read the interview with Guido Günther, a developer at Purism, on how the free and convergent #PureOS system and the #Phosh graphical environment merge the phone and desktop experience into one, and how they benefit mobile device users.
Thanks to the kind work of our volunteer translators, you can also read it in Dutch, Italian, and Spanish.
@agx @purism
"Fani: I have seen references about #sustainability in #Librem5. At the #FSFE we are also dealing with sustainability in software. What do you understand as a sustainable technology? [..]
Guido: For me, technology that has been produced with sustainability in mind allows the user to replace software and parts, as well as #repair the device over a long period of time without special equipment. [..] having free drivers is a requirement for sustainability."
@fsfe @agx @purism
@purism and it worked for for the other tickets on the way too 🙂 . Tweaked the UI a bit to use a close button rather than back which looks less confusing.
@okennedy @purism https://source.puri.sm/guido.gunther/phosh/-/commits/next-tickets - you just dump everything into a `~/phosh-ticket-box` folder atm. A real "ticket" app needs to come next as we want more metadata attached so the widget can become more clever.
📱 On my way to #Debconf22 and it was the first time I could show the QR code of a train ticket on #phosh's lockscreen to the conductor (had to resort to unlock ➡️ nautilus ➡️ evince so far).
For that I stitched together a lockscren plugin that leverages #evince's libevince. Hope the other tickets will works just as well tomorrow.
git-buildpackage 0.9.28 is out
and landed in Debian and on #pypi. This unbreaks python 3.9 support for those not on 3.10 yet.
#gbp #debian