@Strit depends on whom you speak to
@kyle Do you imply they don't do this right now? Obviously any mobile platform is doing content scanning, this is part of media library indexing. Apple can do edge computing because they know caps of their platform, doing it blanketly on android may render os unusable on some low end devices. So they will do what they are doing right now - upload to the cloud and do whatever they want with it. So will just make it as an official cover.
@takao @djsumdog @ItsSkyDragonz @Moon I'm running it for two decades and after initial setup (spf, dkim, tls, dane, etc.) I have faced only once with drops - from outlook.com. Not a big loss after all.
@dos fair enough, then perhaps google knows something what we don't - like if you publish something on appstore your google account always collects some data about people installing the app. Never published into google appstore so this is just speculation :)
@dos perhaps the statement contradicts to requested permissions. I.e. it goes about possibility to gather data rather than gathering. So you need to explicitly call out that despite perms no data is being gathered apart of resources/configs installed by the game itself.
@daftwullie @kyle @frainz There's no need to blame them all because it's a well knonw fact. Apple was trying to stand aside, on a white horse, with a waving banner, typed in golden letters "We collect your crap but we don't look at it and don't let others". Now, like the google and the gang they admit - we actually are looking at your crap. But for your own good of course!!111
@zwerg12 @kde@mastodon.technology
This. And now I made reservation.
@sam what is the main differentiator - gnu-less or bsd userland?
@jcbrand How 'bout tam? eg. https://www.deezer.com/us/album/122683
@rizzn It will lock itself out after three though
@marcel_kolaja Of course, if one requires a test, one must provide a test. Otherwise it's a political corruption.
@benis @Columbkille @kyle Yea, that's a known defect in current world release, will hopefully be fixed soon with next hotfix.
@benis But you didn't tell anything, you just made a question to @Columbkille and @kyle ;)
@benis @Columbkille @kyle Ah, ok, i'm with you
@benis @Columbkille @kyle That's a remarkable note. I'll write it down to express the level of FUD spreading around.
@keverets @kyle What I mean is - if you say Jabber to common enterprise folks, max they would think of is Cisco Jabber UC solution (if they are not that much technical) or MS Teams federation services (if they are deep in this business). But when you tell them telegram, viber, whatsup - they won't have a second thought. Otherwise (just fyi) - I'm tightly following xmpp council and maintaining some legacy xmpp products.
@kyle XMPP lives its own life, just not as open standard but rather as simple framework for proprietary enterprise messaging/voice protocols. Cisco, Microsoft, Zoom - name a few more - all use XMPP and SIP as a foundation for their voice/media solutions.
@mntmn And do I understand it right that only then local store will be re-stocked? (sorry I've missed those several seconds when it was stocked a week ago, only managed to fill the basket).
@mntmn Or from any other soviet republic, they were all alike in USSR.