A reprise of my #librem5 benchmark to add the #pinephone
My October toots about it for context:
1) https://social.librem.one/@someunexpectedsparks/104989138328111860
2) https://social.librem.one/@someunexpectedsparks/104989155078072644
3) https://social.librem.one/@someunexpectedsparks/104989174678396616
tl;dr – this is based on the build times of a C++ project I’m puttering around with
No real news. The L5 is about twice as fast as the pinephone in this case. Neither is actually fast. My desktop’s best time is 2.3 seconds compared to the L5’s 36
The Future of Software Supply Chain Security
"All indications are that software supply chain security will be the biggest issue for the security industry in 2021."
App Showcase: Backups
"Déjà Dup is the recommended way to backup your data on all Librem hardware. It allows you to schedule backups or restore past backups."
RT @eff: Mass surveillance is subtle coercion that alters our behavior, quiets our voices, and chills resistance. We must end it. https://t…
The #librem5 wishing the #pinephone a merry Christmas and a happy GNU year, by SMS from the command-line. 😃 PureOS and @postmarketOS both running #phosh. The script on the Librem 5 is using mmcli commands to send SMS messages. #UserFreedom #mobile #gnu #linux #freesoftware @purism #gnomeonmobile
The inconvenient truth is that there is no such thing as a backdoor that only lets the good guys in. The EU's resolution on encryption, released yesterday, could result in a net decrease of everyone's privacy and security: https://protonmail.com/blog/eu-attack-on-encryption/
I Love You For Your Personality
"If you are as excited about the Librem 5 as I am, you will want to show it to all your non-techie friends and family..."
Learn more: https://puri.sm/products/librem-5/
What if I told you there is no legal significance to calling an online service a "platform"? https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/publisher-or-platform-it-doesnt-matter
"You're WRONG about Linux phones."
https://youtu.be/z29aJCTn-mY #purism #librem5
A Holy Soul Comes to the Rescue of its Benefactor
This is a sweet story.
Avoid "Advertiser ID" with the Librem 5
"Apple and Google profess to care about the privacy rights of their customers, but their operating systems tell a different story. iOS and Android both allow for pervasive tracking of users through Advertiser IDs."
Want another way to participate in this year's #DayAgainstDRM? Sign onto our comments for new anti-circumvention exceptions to the DMCA, helping us weaken DRM by supporting each and every proposed exemption. https://u.fsf.org/37l
Next Friday, December 11, Edward Snowden will host Tor’s third PrivChat, a fundraising livestream event and conversation with human rights defenders + real-life Tor users Alison Macrina, Ramy Raoof, Berhan Taye.
You're invited, so set your reminder: https://torproject.org/privchat/
Librem AweSIM:
Unlimited cellular plan that works with the #librem5
- #privacy as a service
- A new phone number registered in Purism's name
- Unlimited talk / text / data
- No contracts, cancel anytime
All for just $99/month
Learn more: https://puri.sm/products/librem-awesim/
Technology as it Should Be
"The power of control by Big-Tech in the app store is but a small example of exploitation of our digital lives. If you don’t control the software, the companies who wrote that software control you. You become a digital prisoner."
RT Anna Slatz is a Hater
In Canada:
71% of people who have died of COVID have been over 80.
89% have been over 70.
96% have been over 60.
.03% have been under 39 — the people most impacted by the lockdowns.
https://twitter.com/YesThatAnna/status/1329925289430949889 #Rebel #Canada
Full-List of bots: https://joejoe.github.io/mastodon
In a scenario that many saw coming over a year ago, Jackson, Mississippi police are asking residents to allow live-stream access to their doorbell cameras, writes EFF's @mguariglia on @mozilla's blog. https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/police-mississippi-pilot-program-live-stream-amazon-ring-cameras/
Catholic father of 10. Programmer by trade. I like reading, writing, running, geocaching, chess, spending time with my family.