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Leetaur boosted

Modern cloud platforms are essentially giant proprietary server OSes, so is Parler's difficulty in coming back online due to finding hosting, or is it due to using so many proprietary AWS features, switching providers is like porting server software from Solaris to Windows NT?

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 14, 2021 - Saint Hilary, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church (W)

Epistle - II Timothy 4:1-8
Gospel - Matthew 5:13-19

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 13, 2021 - Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Epistle - Isaias 60:1-6
Gospel - John 1:29-34

Leetaur boosted

The ejection of Parler by infrastructure companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon is neither a new nor a surprising development. But it nonetheless represent a significant departure from the expectations of most users.

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 12, 2021 - Ferial, The Feast of the Holy Family (W)

Epistle - Colossians 3:12-17
Gospel - Luke 2:42-52

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 11, 2021 - Ferial, The Feast of the Holy Family (W)

Epistle - Colossians 3:12-17
Gospel - Luke 2:42-52

Leetaur boosted

Using YouTube to escape the purge is like going up one level on a sinking ship and assuming the water won't get you there

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5. This first day with an analog watch has already revealed to me just how much a smart watch has created subconscious, compulsive habits. It's unnerving to see tech rewire your brain like that.

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Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 10, 2021 - The Feast of the Holy Family (W)

Epistle - Colossians 3:12-17
Gospel - Luke 2:42-52

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Jan 9, 2021 - Our Lady on Saturdays (W)

Epistle - Titus 3:4-7
Gospel - Luke 2:15-20

Leetaur boosted

censoring the world's largest and most popular repository of scholarly research is as or more unconscionable as anything else that happened today

(and to think we nearly missed this among everything else!)

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Friday after Ephiphany

Epistle - Isaias 60:1-6
Gospel - Matthew 2:1-12

Traditional Latin Mass Readings

Thursday after Ephiphany

Epistle - Isaias 60:1-6
Gospel - Matthew 2:1-12

Leetaur boosted

Right now approximately 3 people control the ability of you and several billion other people to communicate.

This is possibly the most threatening thing to ever happen to democracy.

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Leetaur boosted

There is a coup happening.

It's being executed by Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

They believe they should decide for the entire world that we are allowed to say to one another.

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Leetaur boosted

"Fund Your App" has received more than 5,000 app votes!

The current Top 5 apps are:

1. Firefox
2. Battery Life
3. Pure Maps
4. Signal
5. Calendar

Help fund the apps you desire:

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